The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas (2024)

THE GALVSSTQN WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1911 PHESIDE.VTALl.t'* HEttlMXB TEXDEH OF tTSASK or IXWAI. CLi'u. It Citrates Imtfrwt: PraKrk Tkey VmtU to Raise IPKUI Km. Austin. Jan.

The franchise of the Galvwton Baseball Club was placed the hoods of President Wilbur P. Allen of the Texas League by President T. H. never of tho club here today, and formally forfeited. Mr.

Dever, In writing, waived the necessity of the president taking a mall vot of the other clubs of the league on the question of forfeiture. Qalvcston will bo given until tonjorrow night to assume the ohl gallons. Persons In that city are now trying to raise money to continue the fraochlBe under thai name. The ic sinon tn is nnn i ropre'cntlng about duo the league for tho 3.911 season, J500 due the national commission, and the balance private and Incidental expenses. Falling to receive a favorable reply from Galvefton by tomorrow night.

Mr. Allen said he will certify to the owners of the leaguo all applications for memborsMp; that Is applications by business men of other communities to purchase tho franchise, principally Beaumont and Coi-slcano. Several persons, he said, whose names at. this timo he Is not at disclose, offered to take over the franchise and operate tho club In Galveston. Grant of the franchise entails dlsfharginr tho present Indebtedness.

President Allen spoke highly of Mr. Diver 1 connection with the club and expressed the opinion he has done all in JIIB power to make tha club a success and to prevent the forfeiture. Mr. Dever told the president he exhausted every resource In attempting to carry on the work. Ke gave up a respon- i -railroad position to operate the" clubland was deeply grieved- at' the ne- action by the league Did It." After words, a discussion pro sa-j -asa -of.

the real Intent Frank of tho Qalveaton club, no "as to tho attitude of 'Texas Leaeuo officials toward Galveaton franchise in the foague waa formally forfeited Tues- enln F- "Austin, Mr, Dover left GalTCBtoa for Austin Monday evening, arrived there Tuesday and In the. at ter i noon tendered to Wlltur.P. Allen, preol- the leaguo, the local franchise, Jf'th the Bttemont that he was unable to. alsoharge Indebtedness to the league which had accrued against It. In long, distance telephone conversation Tuesday evening, later confirmed by News a Tho r.

Allen announced his desire for Qalvea- from Austin. Mr. nis aesire lor uaives- to remain in the league; that he not certify the forfeiture to the league until; after (i o'clock this (Wed- f'ternoon, and that might today, by prompt and decisive ac- tlon-jfttaln the franchise. Offer of 18,000. i Negotiations have, been on for several days for.

a purchase'from Mr. J)eveFbf the On Monday he was "made an offer JB.OOO,. 'f rani-hlso 'to "lie His reply a.real estate dealer 1 'IVW Sprlngairhad-bfi 1 fered 18,600 foi- the' franchise; that par- Corslcana had offered that-Beaumont offered a bonus of Jfe.OOO ti t- he a willing to' sacrifice n.BOO,.® Keep Galveston in the league; SSf.Tk San'Antonio and eee what: he could ascertain as tc'-thelr or. Just who. In 'reality, was putting up.

the money, fee left for'Austin without, communicating with those yestpn with-whom-he- had. been in con- -'Vi'. Out BMhe-Ganie. nnnouncement on part -of i the president, of that. the, ffanohise-had would cats, that the present owners not ut but Galves-i- ton chance, 'un- lBS3.s»methIi! the' situation ofib6lng the Tex: as League, Some of -the fans, una business; been nUrented In- keeping fQolveston In tha league; -have, termed the.

entire transactions, the first announcement of a 0 i th 6 Question of -forfeitures, as Just what the so-called bliift- means remalrtB to be seen, To Hhpse wjaj have; studied Ideal situation i llttlo 'to be a.mneral apathy; on. the part of fans and business men" who are; not fans; in reearfl' to the i local" sfliiaiton. It that a certain amount, confidence had been lost in those 'adtlvelv. In running the. team 8 "yeiSlo? hi" not irfrequently.

been -Heard. "Give ui a hi. ii Mr Dever is concerned, by his aotion In turning over the franchise to the president of the- league 'the ag'Snent." TM reaa for Will Leave Dever In telephone 'conversation Mr Allen indicated that tjie Qalveston franohiso mijfht be retained' by tho 'purchase price "This- will franchise in the league, free and unln- berea sald Mr A1Icn 'tli hardly 5500 to Mr. Dever' out of all the mo'nev Jn it i el v. has tne Preferencc-ovcr'any other city'' ho "and my purpose in holding the matter open till 1 to If without taking the matter forra on he intlmatod that ccrtn'S per wished to Interest themselves In th" iTur clmso of the franchise and.

not on flint Some Unitllng. It woula seera, from Mr. Allen's s'ate- ments--not a few of which were of a prlvato naturcuaad not Intended for rub- ti conaltlcn of nnd PhlinileFphlB Alh- Ijidrr Pert Kchrnnrj. to Par. Antonio.

Ja.n. i a a noaticed that the first exhibition Ramss played by the Bronchos will s. MXXFXIS CLUB TKOT3BLXI Mil Merapbls. Jsu. le.

Thtt the Memphis Baseball Club, under the direction of Ktaak P. Coleuian, treasurer, has been mismanaged, ana that, a. a result, the club has lost money to euct aa extent during ihe last three yearn thei-e are not sufficient funds In the treasury with which to sta-t the season. alleged In a bill tiled la chancery foyj 1 lat8 'oday ty six minority stock- Syiwj-u of Hovic.ce, t-s. isc-ld jhuot.

vnh ste- City Ova BAOS AUD BASK COLII1I Aakvre LVlamre OH Trvng. New rork, Jan. mes- received here today sys tha barg. Tn P'L. 1 11 0 from Port Arthur 9 collided durlne night with tiie Murwejian bVrk GrLs mere and that boS vessel? were forcld Baseball A elation, holders of the franchise, asking that a receiver Rcpointed and an accounting rendered.

Mr. Coleman. majority stockholder held responsible for the aliened mjsmaaatteraent by Die six coreplaluaHtV, who assert that the minority holders have been denlad a voice In the ma Sn the polloy th Junotlon, to prevent further dieburse- ments Pending the outcome of the re- Is also sought. jKr. toloman hid no comment to make ta fleny the announce that suit would be vigorously contested.

PJTOHBn GOOmviW SIGrYS UP. 'us Well for Pltchen Benson--Spring Practice. Special to The Neive. Antonio, Jan. one; of the host of the Brohcoh pitchers, has signed his name to a contract for another year.

The local 14 eirt i ularl well fixed Jor pitchers, in 1912. Six southpaws are d1 ut spring- together with the usual supply of right- handers It Is expected a good pitching will be developed. "-mm. NEW I.KAGUK PLATDRS, Offmd llnlteil Bawbnll Orecniiatloii. New Tork, Jan.

16 The newly formed United States League IB in thp baseball field for players with offers of high salaries, according to Pltsber Dick Ru- he Toronto Rudolph said 8 i representative of tho new Jf u6 a three-year contract ua lntce doublo the amount he is receiving at Toronto. to ay SLEEPINr, POTION GIVEN BBDBL. Flown Brooklymlte In Round FlKht. New Tork, Jan. Murphy of New Tprk defeated Joe Bedell of Brooklyn In a 'ten-round bout at the Royal Athletic Club, Brooklyn', tonight Murphy clearly outfought his opponent In the early rounda and floored him In Bea came back strongly 1 the latter part of but the Now Yorker managed to retain his lead FIOHT TETJIT" Ontutiatlon HaTlM Troable la Obtaimic rermltn From New of Sni San Francisco.

Jan, prize flffht trUst" of this cl'ty trouble In obtaining permits from' the new board of. After the -police i program or a month -or so rnado the board caused the' applications' be referred, to p. James Cofforth and Eddie Graneywere denounced -rivals -as being -unfit to 'f mat he s.because they had been Indicted on the charge of bribery by the graft of 'this "a number-of, women's the 1 -Women's .1. Christian, Union, the. Council of-Jewish Woman and the Corona and California'clubs asked for learn whether, the bona fide amateurs, as -required law.

LAS VEGAS "WANTS BATTLH. New Mexican Ttnra JohMtox- i FlBM. Mi; Jan. Tegaa today became a b'Mdef'for the Johnson- Plynn battle on July, ,4 h'axt, when Chas. a local promoters-wired Curley an of for the fight; Slnce.the statehood there Is no law in New Mexico against glove oon- -tests, as these rVer'e prohibited by federal 1 CU MAT BAE QOt? OiTTBS Of tluUli of Many Organization.

Severely Watson. of Delinquents. at of golf -clubs country are severely arraigned in a doou- ment given.out tonight by'R. C. 'socrotary of tHo.

United States Golf Asso-' elation, who gives warning that the members of sixty clubs will be barred -from 'competition in- the amateur go rohaTM 1 plonshlp, of the United at Chicago next July they comply at once with the demand for official handicap 8 le gttlelal notification to, fother they, have any players eligible to compete. countr 1 5 1 uen cl uhs includes tno Memphis, Wasli- Ington. and the Qolf club at Savannah! FIELD TB1ALS OI.TJB RESUMES. Bnd Weather Detent the Sport at Grand Junction--Derby Next. Brand Junction, Jan.

16. After a delay of several day's, duo to the bad 1iie Si 'ij 6 1 816 Btake of 'he -United States tfleld Trials Club was resumed too 3 en remaining dogs- a running-of the derby will begin! WORLD'S HEVOI.VJBn iREco*kD. OT-ve-Jlan Team Scorj, Cluh n4 ban Francisco. Portland, Jan. world's 1 revolver record for five-man teams wan raised from 1,145 to 1,147 by tho Revolver Club In the shoot Lralnsl the Golnon JT.

Francisco 0 Club sin Hum, at Juarez. Juarez, Jan. Injury, running to Jilg best form, easily won the fourth eve-it City, hy of iHlnols, Shoot nni- KfTS. Charley Sp rn acer of GALVBSTON COUNTY N1WS Arcadia. Special to Ntwu Arcadia.

Jan. Hay did shopping In Galveston Monday. th vlBlteiJ the Seawall city bu ne lu matters AlaM. Spwlal to Newt, Jaa todly Buckua nurs- Alvln was here today. Alta Special to Tha Alta Loma, Jan.

Mrs. W. stoner and daughter, Doris, visited rela- tlves In GalVeston Saturday. IT, a train'. r8tu ln evening Special to Hewi.

Dloklmon, Jan. Mrs. H. M. Blagge of Galveston was here yesterday visiting her mother, Mrs.

E. W. Dookrell Charles Green and son, Prank, were a lnUret of HouBtSri' mer Clinton of the 'claim ma tl it Houston -Bleotrlo Company county commissioners court A f'ES'i. the Inte-rurban- at the foot of ice street IB nearlnir-coni- Pl'flPJ' ana -jWlll ihu'oh toTM? 11 who Boblnaon of Houston May Sunday with home fplk, returned to Galyeston Sunday evep- of Hitchco*ck, there, was home uitEne Up day with i Bert'and Qllf'-Perkins''of city lr ere today, on business, connected estate, business. King; assistant, cashier of "the State home after' Sunday parents and Mrs.

Hennisey of Houston were here on Sunday spending' time with Special to 'Jaru iv Slevers. was. ln -Galveston 'yesterday. hai days'visit V.Galyeston:-.- Waimrith Is spending sev-' M.cCarty and Salteaton today on a children 'of 'the Bret family have. been taken to Galveston, where It was ascertained that one had the scarlet fever' and the Other, the baby, had the it.

Mrs. Bret is at the ln- jhe La Alarque. -Special to The La Marque, Jan. and Tony Aiiizan of Texas City visitors here Sunday. at rov WeBterlaSe SPSnt Sunaa Mrs, M.

J. McNeel will go to Galves- dau hfer a fcw wlth J. W. was In Texas Cltv on business yesterday. on, od peU last weok ha3 TMod- erated'and beautiful weather was witnessed yesterday and today.

Miss Camllle Anizan came out from Galveston and spent Sunday at her homa Mr. Fred Wexshal was visitor In Galveston Sunday. League Spcitel Jo Tho News. Leaguo City, Jan. Mtsa Delhi Dick End littlo brother are visiting friends In Oalveston.


WM( Re- Bt, Louis, Jan. build up this country raplaly and successfully we should worle together. We want teamwork In co-operation there Is strength." BRld B. P. Yoakum.

chairman of Frisco lines, tonight In an address before the 0 of St. LoulB. If the Mlstlsslppl River Is to bo used IS, W. 1 trUttl I 't of-transportation, it must be through methods that will make it permanent ana profitable." he continued. "From a railroad standpoint I see no menace to the railroad business by the petltlon of river transportation, but I think I sea an Increase In railroad business, It river transportation Is improved." fn conclusion ho said: 'Lot us not forgot that the vast pro- o-Mcmg area to the southwest and west still requires of raUroad to give what It neods to! the tiansportatlon facilities of the you We "hould get ready for the opening- of tha Panama Canal, when on account of tho Increased jbuslness to Central -America and other 'countries, reached ttw canal, thero will be a traffic originating In this territory and passlnfe through the Mississippi gateway that will be far In aeway a ar excess of any that we have, or that the most sanguine can anticipate." DEAD MAH B18TJK11CTID EHorti Are However, for Pattemt Again In Two Peculiar Scott, Kan.

Bpeciil to Kewi. Fort Scott, Kan, Jan. After having been apparently dead for some tlmo, H. P. Kellogg, proprietor of a theater here, was revived today and lived nearly two hours Members ol Kellogg-B family found him on 'a In his room this morning and after trying every means to arouse him concluded ho was doad He appeared to have fallen against a gas stove In the room and burned his face and then to have crawled to the c6uch and died.

He had been 111 and It Is supposed that he arose and took a dose of medicine. While Vas placing Mr. Kellogg on his truck the. undertaker believed fie detected of life. He Immediately asked the family to call doctor, and went to work In an effort to revive Kellogg.

the phytlolan arrived tho heart action was supplemented by a pump end Mr. Kollogir was partly revived, but did not regain fall consciousness. Two hours later he died. WAHT OAHI11V EIITOS1D Motkeri, gl.tera aa Damalitp of Hm--Mm. BurWnk to ut WMUB.

Tforky-Jkifc wives, of men in United -StatM army, all want the canteen ta Mrs. James at gely'attended meeting of- women under of the Nafion- Women. She- declared cbat women who knew, condition, the affiy WlSouUhe nteen demanded its return in the name and temperance, r.eady women 1 o'f' the -army circulated and large number of signatures, obtained. 1 Jarij: 16.ii.Dr/ A. Scott" of.

chief- Burgeon Santa hs made a dona- 1 80 0 'ln response, to, -a-- public vappeal for'. funds made.bjr that organlzatfoV or, the pur- a large tent In which meetings, cyaoanf storerooms bl" Ins tha such high that the aff rbuildinfr in which army Gmavlllc Cull. Speelil to The Jamei JO. Green, pastor -of the First'. Presbyterian vnurth of Temple, accepted a call' re8 which will meet March 1.

No SHARP I-POKOBT IN RED SEJA. Fleet of nnd Flotilla of Are Alert. Arabia, A fleet Italian Including the Piemonte Calabria and Ruglla, with a flotilla of th ng tne Red Boa for vessels convevlne tr 1 ops det chme n'a of Turk I sf One of the Italian cruisers vpifprdmr 1 tachment "oTltallan" marfyiook oft 1 Tn re fn a I I i a tna! they were Turkish military men PARTY HAnMONYJTOB KEYNOTE. Brewer to I5ls- Jackson. Jan.

harmony was the keyftote of tho first message oC Governor Earl Brewer tn the Mississippi Legislature 1after his lh 9 foday to succeed Qovefnor F. Noel. Governor Brewer 'declares for fla'n'alnlng the of tho white race. Ho cites the necessity for a general overhauling of the criminal statutes and court procedure. He asserts -ne need of devising a plan to lighten tho burdens of Ihe sopfeme court.

-Mlp Katlo Abbey, who' has been vlslt- ing her sister, Mrs. Ben Frank of Ar- caiiia, lias returned hom*o. i a3h an1 children of Galveston CaSh rCntS I beYt a Mrs. w. O.

Thomssen 1ms returned ome from Hous Trouble Between Oiiotemnln ond Snlvnrtor ncerned to-be brewlns between i i i i it nom ssen nas returned Roemed to-be brewlns between th? h'SWorMfi. 1 VlS Centra nh a i 1 i a SP-'nSE- 4 a rocc ravens, an art tfach- cr in the Asgard College at South Hous' nf or th. Krlcnd thr. her" Brcclal tn The ynt, Tfxn-i City. Jan.

Messrs. J. H. Slebor nnd Wllllnm Moofc wore In Houston toda.y nn business. a a an i a of much seems to passed over.

MiniTter Helmko at Salvador reports to theT state partment'today that tho situation alolie Vaa an fr0! ler has Tn-o Foiinrt Tleml. Pc-nn, an i a 39 yr-ars, and Mni'k Shumart, 9 years, were- fouml toda-j- In tho synagogue at te? ii school young Khumsn was his puall' If I almnncr.l i .1. A rf" i-- a i i i i nis nu.oll It Is supposd! thoy found the Tho LadW Bridge dub met 5 a sl vi(h Mrs. Jioty MondaV trlc-fl to the Ptovo to shut Nat H. Hall, rommc'rclal of rC nvorcn 1n runicf.

i VrdK-v 1 EAKKOK IS JOT A St Psul, Jen. oormsor Harmon Otio pawed thros gh St. Paul ca way to Far N. where he wlli ot an act-ve candidate MORTUARY WUIUm Xlemauu. William p.

Nt emafl yMrg AM TUMiU)- mornlnt at o'clock rtti- Avtnu. after time. Th. i. to b.

tbU clock from lite re.ljmc. Mr. His ww one. He In D- M.rrud.r MBS. AKJT MAAT IAXE IS Monfer cf wttt Couotr Aiuwen Are of SI CBCeltl to Ntwt.

Cuero, Jan. tin. Ann i 1 at tho family 'thli city at 4'15 o'clock morning, th. annlv.ri.rr of birth. Th.

fun.ral will b. tomorrow tmornlng-. Bh, WM a OBt raber ot the t.rlan Church. For or four ni 11 ni5 eln Inju- It. out two aro hid bwn rlJ WM ola rwldrnt "eth! had at the of I nat vt of Brandon.

Rtakln a ceptlomlly Sf.d'ft,"!i?i* Ut6 8amuel Winston lin "who In thin county about th. ol til. civil Mr. a m.mb.r of J.ff.rion Darlj-, command In th. war with Meilc" ina-woia WH County" 1 tir 14 tint "Mtt In coun- ea lit.

of th. i i Mlh0 to A om th.nce to Cuero, when the Seeadeic. VJh cau 4 th 'nwltable aecaflonc. or tha old county seat. A of chlldfen.

nrim al Vi lri ln daushtur, Orlmj. of dlad a f.w ago. Atk 1 5 at GOMalei, MM.

diorrej Bchlelcher (it Cuero and B. W. farmer and stockman of thli county, lur- AMBASSADOR DBtD. lexph Ton lUdowiti, at Cn.tutt.ovl,' Berlin, TOR Bidowlui former Otrman' ambajtadbr in and Madrid, died today. vu probably th.

TM" later -on S. ferea i nducUon In rank owlnr to hli former connection -with Bl.marck and sentTu ambBnador to th. 1... ImportMt mbsSy 1808 retlr.d from aotlv. a.rvlc.

(a Brju. Special to News. i Bryan, Mltch.l! died Buddenly at hli 4 o'clock Suhdiy. aftern'oon. h'sin-ln feeble health, for som.

tim but TTBS to walk about -Vut In back yard fell, dwith ollowlif Instanthr 'Se I 0 ll ail4 'i 1 of PI ation. -He wai laid to at 4 o'olook rda7.Rjt«rnoon,.Rev.- J. T. -Vlnion of ATM- aalverton Tuesday morning of. the death at to -id' o'clock Mon4af nght of.

'David 'Of Nebruka area 81 year, at his ieath, eath, ath Herahey Qalveitdn with a party of -official, for thi-weelt-eBS "ok place I0 death Mrsi Maixant Elnisbnir, Special to The News. of MM." Margaret Klngsbury, widow the late- a er relatives reached the ml 1r UK when the bUomlnr of i a ba'heara from the i wa JhwJla lt aIW to tell of Cuba, and. Miss Kate 0 Mrs. Lena Lofnso Bnrled.

Special to Tho Sews. Dickinson, Jan. funeral' services over the romalno of Mrs. Lena Tjofaso were hold today at 11 o'clock at tho Catholic Church at thls-Wice, Father Mawara of Hous- 81 ea rs a ln Ra Slcfl'svand i. loca.tlntr at fhcy 1 for 'Wra-comlng.

to thlE iftftin years ago. Hpr rcnalns ji-ere laid rest In the city cemetery ioday, followed by a concourn ot sorrowing friends and relatives She leaves -j husband, Frank a son dauglllcr who reside it Funeral of Knbert A. Lyons. The funeral of Koliert A. Lyons, who diort Monday morning at-San Antonio, will he held r.t 10 o'clock this morning from tus familv residence, 4028 Avenue P.

Bervlces -svlll ft at St. Patricks Church," Murpte nfflclat nj. a mark of reipcot to tho former police officer Recorder D. 1). Maolnernly announced Tuesday that there would be no session of the corporation court this morning plj) rrslrtom c.rBf(.vl]lo nmi a flled In nt iiii'iii.

I il'i-earcil bo-n In" hoaltn forborne lin y. Ho was In Crraiany In (he ScllInK I.lhrnrr Of llnbrrt Hnr. New York. i(H valuable insinsiscrlpts In Latin. Persian.

SRnskrit, French and other the feature' auction nf tho Hhrarv of todar netted 9 diys A. I -ftnilly Iin S. Tuntl 0 yenwlriy morning, aflur a week's Do- was a Christian JiJJ 9 SSg if a mm IWUIE Cl'RTISS MACHINE IS BE1VG AS- SEilKLKD AT i'ORT CROCKETT. Morvlng. The first flieht of aeroplane from Island wnlch was to have been mme by Aviator Chtrles K.

Hamilton at Fort Crockett Tuesday aftjrnoon was unavoidably floleycd by reason of the Inability of the mechanics to his now biplane In running order. Tho machine which Is to be usod by Aviator Hamilton In his experiments at the military post Is one of the latest model Curtlss planes, and hat never been In tha ftlr, a ftct which accounts for the delay setting It up, the have found gome difficulty In fitting bolis and Joints, and preparing the machine Tuesday Si. f'te' 1 TM 8 hl a lr to raaki first flight today, probably in the afternoon, out that he was unable, to oon tn would be ready, or how much adjustment would necessary before could take tr the Vlult All day Tueiday crowds from the city were Inside and aoout the temporary hangar where the biplane Is being fitted up on the Fort Crockett reservation several hundreds of visitors vlewlnc the trim machine of the blrdman wiltSrV 1 I 0 i to fl over ult A ar cr wa uiilous speo- re hour Tuesday evening hoping to see the aircraft action, but in spite of earnest effort. 5 nlc re lllbl to complete 5. rk ku Hamilton Bpent most of ln th hangar superintending the fitting up of his new machine.

Previrhie for Aviator Hamilton's mission In Gal- Teston, he Bays, Is the trying out of the new machine with which he will a number of country flights while in Texas. will probably remain In the 0 vt a or and has secured the permiwlon of. Colonel E. Blake, commanding officer of FortCrock- ll use tn government grounds "If oxperlmentu. Although MrVHam- II on no exhibition purposes, lit 2V bll ,9 wlu Permitted to be pres- a hls Avl.tlo.

Work It progresMns rapidly In erection of fences and temporary buildings at the, aviation grounds 'of the National School of Aviation, located on the Denver Resurvejr. A large section of the rd fenc8 wlllch wl have been i of the to 0 ln with mmimmee. -r of new company In Oalveiton' 'an 'Ini- oWent occurred Tuesday which 1, "mui- tented Match Game of.GnlvMton Bowline AMeeUtlon. In the second match game of'the Galveston fowling. Association Tuesday 1 flnal.Bcor.

was 1,768 three frames nv.i,.--' TM 'TllD I in 1.9 HO Ill III III Total OrlolSB--. Tschumy Peters Layco*ck Blater Tosal III 678 617 5S4 1,729 First Second Third Tot'l game. game. game. pi j.

180 686 114 452 152 187 .153 SJ 169 16S 128 111 HO 597 ijf vsSfi 13S: Layoook, 128 non-aii, 121; Sommef; HIGH PRICE FOR BUTTER. Selling; to Trade at Retail nt Memphis. Memphis, Jan. first butter quoted at 43c'to 44c and retail dealers selling to the trade at 60c price records for twenty-four vears In tfiat commodity at Memphis were today. TJie advance here came after the announcement of the Vak? price nt Bljrln, 111., yesterday Se COLLAR sy to put on, easy to tako OH, easy to tie the tie ID.

jr. BUBK8 Ilf PHITATI CAR Acrlcuit-inl laduitrln! of tl Bflt In Wrtck at Mo, St. Louis, Jan. L. art, aerlcultural and Industrial agent i tho Cotton Belt Railroad, with titaf' quarters in St Louis, was burned death in his private car In a wreck 1 which trains of three different roads col.

accident oc'curred'at the west en; ttrd the Thebes bridge. Who, the Cotton Belt train, to which car was attashed, reached the yards was obliged to stop. A tew minutes late an Iron Mountain freight crashed int i 1 6 1 tra! Ht lch in tu TM scoped a Chicago i Eastern freight Stewart's car was burned. No one els. was seriously hurt.

MAYOR CHAIRMAH. Committee to Ckarari Orwlty to Waeo" Jan. a mesting the city commission today Mayor Mlstrot agreed to act us chairman of committee of citizens to Investigate cr ue "7 to PrlsonerB by Investigation to be made at once. fi FIVE CHILDREN BURtT TO Two Bori and Loat Liven al Preutlee, Jan. 16--Five children, two boys and three glrle, of John DeerS Ing, ranging frpm 1 to 13'years of t.

I i nb I 1 at h. today when -Jt Convention. Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. Frank E. Herring of South Bend, IndJ Conrad H.

Mann of Kansas City, chalr-3 man of the board of trustees, and grand of the Order of Eaglesl ore here conferring with the local In charge of arrangements for ti? al conv of the order -to be held here Aug. It waa said 30 000 Eagles were expected to AailmU OffleUl. faWui Bpecltl.toThiNtw'i..- i' Jan. Bpecia. train over the Southern Pacific road arJ the cityat midnight lust night fl mornln at .6 o'clock.

ThJ following official, were on board: Orli Orleana, general Buper Parsons-general pu-i 5fr agent; NOrman Randolph pur-ll were on a iiNewi. Jan. ThVe was considerable change Itf the working force of, the Texas Orleans Railroad here, today. teilDunham was 'promoted tb b111 cl to suci ceea William who. after accepted employment IB Manager, the Miller Link Lumber Company at the Bunker Hill log.

Sing camp. Robert Lee been 4m. TM iptcUHoTK.News, KlngBville, otr newly: Buperlntende'i-t of the arrived at Klngsvllle this accomanied by "'Houston- is a guest lt0nl0 tOppln Wllilam. Humphreys of Dallas is 'atop-' ping at the Tremont. Mrs.

A. Hubbard of San Antonio -is 'a guest at the Palmetto. J- Anderson of Brownwood is a recent arrival at Tremont C. Palir of- Houston, In Galveston on business, Js at tKa Tremont. James W.

and Mrs. Meltzler of Danvlllo arc guests at the Rom A 3 i Bauer- of San Antonio arrived 1 'in Royal' Tucsday ana ls sloping at ihe T. J. Mrner and B. Gerner of 18 buslneSB are st George Hess of San Antonio 1.4 among the late arrivals in GalvitoiA registered at.

the Tremont, Ial1 representative of Hoosier Manufttcliirinir Comnanv with headquarters at. DallaJ is in the tlty 0 and Wallac of Battle Creek are stopping in the cltv the Bos-S y3 are fe red at ERS-RUUY--rolc5tlno. At Hie Grace Mctliodl.ot ciiurch parsonnre on un 1 ay nlnB Ml Bd iSd all who write THE SWIFT SPECIFIC.

The Galveston Daily News from Galveston, Texas (2024)
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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.