Springfield News-Sun from Springfield, Ohio (2024)

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Springfield, Ohio

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THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY NEWS 71 WEDNESDAY JUNE 14 1905 PICKPOCKETS REAP A Is Escaped Convict Under Arrest Here WILLIAM MOLER As a raperiur nerve tonic well adapted to twist tlie function! of nature I Consider tliat Wine of Uordui lisi no superior jjR3 SOLOMON 119 North High Street Noshyillo Tenn Win of Cudui hu mad a wonderful change in my life LILLIAN HILL 10 CjpRH Avenue Campbell CaL I tm enjoying splendid health today and fed that it is all due to Win CanluL SUSANNA MERKLE 142 Veit 59th Street Chicago 111 TRY IT TODAY Have yen taken all kinds of treatment and failed to secure relief? Have you been told your mm hopeless? Arc you discouraged? If Wiue of Cardul he done so much for other women why won't it euro yon? lour trouble though painful may yield readily to Vine of Cardul Wiue of Cardul never folia to benefit the worst easel of disordered menstruation bearing down pains and female weakness The wonderful healing qualities of this ntcdicino have surprised thousands of despoudont sufferer by bringing them quickly to health It is ucedlesa to say that Wine of Cardul has cored thousands of sick women who hnve been given up as beyoud possible recovery Wiue of Cardul la a mild tonio that every woman should take Every druggist sells £100 bottles CIVE WINE OF CARDUI A TRIAL TODAY William who tried to collect money un the Mad Uivcr and Citi-aeua' Xsikmul banka of Uiia city and ubio attempted to collect lurge auma ut money on tlie bank ui bourn Cnar lesion lua been idclilined as Carta an escaped conVict from -the peuitentiury at rank! on and a proteeaiuiiul cnevk-worker Carta after trying to collect money on worthless checks here and tat Soul a ('hurtestun wan arreatea near London June 1 on the charge of defrauding an Innkeeper at bourn Charleston A woman supposed to be hla wife waa with him Get Thirty Days Carta waa convicted at South Charleston under tlie name of William Motor and sentenced to thirty days In tna Clark county Jail He In still In Jail here Chief Tuesday morning received a totter from the penitentiary authorities at Frankfort stating tliat Carts had escaped from Hie penitentiary May SI while working os a trusty He was nerving lluee years fur obtaining money under false pretenaea ut Fmnkfurt having been received last October Weman in the Case It waa through a letter Carta had 1 written to hla slater In Pittsburg that' Ihe prison aiithorlflea learned of hla presence In Mprlnglleld He wrote for money to pay bis Hue here without Ilia relatives huvbig knowledge of tils es-rape and they notified tlie warden of the renltpntlary picture and Bcrtllluit measure-men la Were taken by At tour Bpiker of the local police depurtio-mt iiii hla record waa being looked up when the letter arrived A deputy from the office of vyssuki the penltentlory at Frankfurt arrived Ideal Places I There Is splendid varation country In southern HU-hiyati and that adjoining it in northern Indiana country of many beautiful spring-fed lakes aing streams clear as crystal and shady groves aadi woods Here are delightful places for fithlog boating bathing camping out and kindred pleasures where you can enter Into a simple joyous summer life per-foctly free from every-day conventionalities The cost is very moderate Board and rooms in farm hom*os and small summer hotels at rates averaging from fS lo 94 per week There are also many furnished cottages for rent Ai at reasonable rates This entire region Is reached by train of The Lake Shore Michigan Southern Ry ID CUY HOSPITAL RESULT OF FIGHT Folice Investigating Affray in Which William Whittaker Was Badly Injured By Blunt Instrument William Whittaker la In ttte city hospital suffering from a scalp wound Inflicted by a blunt Instrument a a result of a fight Tuesday night at Benjamin Van lteyde'a saloon In Lagondu found dead at 4 Wednesday the nf morning by liln wife at tlielr In one 67 -T nre Inxcstlgatlng thi nr- Norlh Mechanic aireet He waa kit- Jf'thHpp'iialJnlr'i'n nht" tine oil iht fliMii hlfi ppNtliifp oilier pftrtlM In tnr fiftiit- gainst the bed and had avlilehlly on- rraenstnok mt tumble to any l- Crooer Thoms was called He ft! PWriMar If the Baby la Cutting Ttath 8 tad us that aid and atlllrlri rent-tdr Mrs Window's Soothing Vjr'iiu tor PtalldreB trctblne It southM the vkilif soft1 DIES SUDDENLY Found Sitting On the Floor With His Head Resting Against His Wife's Bed Coroner Holds Inquest and Renders Verdict To Effect That Hemorrhages Caused Death Thnlnaa Durkee aged 14 was held an Inquest and decided that death waa due to hemorrhage Dr Minor (rented the man for raneer of lh nose and had operated on hlin nt I ho hnapllnl a few weeks ago ami perfecting your plant tho postage to cover part of mail- To assist In selecting a vocation in following bonks sent for 5 cents lug cost will lie found useful: a Tk I JI VtpilUli BmotsUlnoi A SMITH ft A place ooaeooietoeooootooooo4 I MINERS OF THE ETNA GOAL I THE FOLLOWING EXPLAINS ITSELF MAIiCll 2 1903 Tlie Halley Coal Co of Pedro Ohio docs hereby mmit TTip rOAfi of Snriug- Ulltil Many Visitors Report To Police That They Are Victims of Light-Fingered Gentry THREE ARE ARRESTED ALL PLEAD GUILTY Judge Miller Reserves Decision But Evidence Is Sufficient To Hold All of Them Awhile Pickpockets reared rich harvest In Springfield Tuesday afternoon working principally on the atreet can At police headquarters Tuesduy morning there waa a Hat of reports of mla-aing pocket booka covering three full typewritten pages and Including a dozen robberies of more or toss Importance Tlie local iHilice force of twenty mid men woe entirely Inmlequute to bike care of the crowd but they aucceeded In landing three member of tlie liglit fingered gentry who pletdeil guilty lo petit larreny In police court tlila morning Judge Reserve Decisions Judge Miller reserved lila decision and will imss on all three cuaea next Friday morning when he may give them the S2u0 and coeti and thirty days In the workhouae Tlie prlaonera give their tiamna aa William Robinson and Fred Layton Columbus and Joint Carlin Toledo Other arreata were htade by tlie police nf auaplcloua chnractera but the nutliorltlea have evidence aguinat the three men sufficient to convict them nf the more nerloua charge of pocket-plcklng Paulding County Victim William KnbTiiaon who arrealed at the Big Four atatlon Monday evening by Detective Kugeue Moore for robbing Purael a dry good merchant of Paulding Purael boarded the weatbound aiieclal train 0:1 the Peoria dlvlaloti with hla wife ahead of him and two or three men crowded him on the steps (me of tucin whom Purael Identified aa the ninn who atole hit purite and 8 from hla panla pocket la Bublnaon When apprehended by Mr Purael Koblnaun made a daring attempt lo eacuiw by Jumping from trie plat for 111 of the Peoria train and darting under a puenenger car atandlng on tlie oppoetie track He then dodged back under the Mine car and boat-tied Hie car wnlch waa headed fur Columbus Mr Purael called out that he had been robbed and he pursued lloblii-aun lie followed him through the t'o-lumbua train and back again onto the train on which he Waa robbed Detective Moore had forced hla way In through tlie crowd by thia time and pluced Roblnaon under arreat Workad en Ball Crowda Fred Layton aged 9(4 who alao gave hla home aa Columbus waa arrealed on i a ball park car by Police Clem Scliaefer for robbing George Miranda of North Hampton of hla pocket book und IS In nuaiey Miranda Wan getting olf the car at the park When lie dlacovered tlie man going through hla pocket He min-aed hla tiocketbaali and upon alighting to the ground he grabbed Layton and demanded the uurae Police Clerk Schaefer waa on the car and he pluced Layton under arreat and brought hlin hark to the city Ha Get Hla Baek While George Mowery of Lnurel-vllle wna boarding a ntreet car at the of Hume ground Officer Bargdlll of the patrol house noticed three men Mowery He watched them rloaely and Mowery dlaeoverlng that lie waa being robbed made an outcry for the police Detective Rarndlll caught cate fellow who gave hltn name aa John Carlin lie won well dreaaed and elated that' he waa a business ntnh and conducted a road huitae Koi-k Road between Toledo and Moti roe He aalil tint Ida ymrlner waa John Hublmrd and thit lie waa with him gelling on the car While being held on the arena of Ihe robbery Mian Parker who gave her residence aa fl Webb at reel Dayton picked un a pneketbauk und turned It over to the imlli-e It contained 85 Lent Much Mileage fi Carr npllafimtalne remrtd that he waa robbed at Ihe of home atreet par landing of hla pock-glhook cmiliilnlng a tell dollar bill a nntp for $373 given by Hubble lie-sitos nnnunl pH- on Ihe Rnltlinorp A Ohio Hocking Vntlpy and Big Four Tallropda Heavy Sat Man Gat Hit Tt I Xewherry giving hla hump aa Bland county Va notified the police I hla morning Hint he lc1 Ida pocket-book which contained 70 alolpn on a nf home car Tupdy aflrnoon '-e'Ji Heart Weakness Dr Miles' Heart Cure has made many hearts well Slier they have been pronounced hopeless It has completely cured thousands and will almost invariably cure or benefit every case of heart disease Short breath pain around heart palpitation fluttering dizzy fainting and smothering ppclis should not be neglected Take Dr Heart Cure and see how quick you will be relieved It cannot make a new heart but will restore a sick one by strengthening the heart nerves and muscles relieving the unnatural strain ard restoring its vitality had a very had cas of hesrt tnnihto For six mwitl-s 1 cmild nt work last July I was plowing corn and tooling Iwut all i In tl-s ftr-noin In plowing on row I had to toy down or foil dmn three tlma My I art throl'brd ns though It burst through and I had difficulty In bit lrr-ih I purrhasrd a ut of IV Curs and tWure I hd P-S'il half of It I biv down rnd nil night Frevl-osisly 1 had up from fire to ten tim- a night I have taken several bottles ara my heart is aa r-ulir aa clock work I b-l like a rt man can work tor an old nun 14 year old" ft Dl IlcdiLL Frost OI-Iol Dr MMex Heart Cura Is add by voor drucc-st who will guarartee that tha firat oottia will benefit If It fails ha will refund your money Miles Medical Cc Elkhart Ind here Wednesday uhd hun (denuded fh2 prisoner He will bo returned to Hie Frankfurt prison as ibe (max allays all vain cum wiud Mile and la the best remedy for Diarrhoea GETTING GOOD JOB A Becklsy Says There's Nothing tho Matter With the South Fountain Avanua Improvamant nii there la nothing the matter with the South Fountain avenue Improvement' said A neckley Wednesday morning In speaking of Ihe diseusalnii ut ihe matter before city council Tuesday night We did not Intend to build the street front the ground up with (lie assessment nf fifteen cents a font Tlie property owners ran not expect this When the avenue Is watered and rolled the people will slop kicking ''I think we are g-ttlng a good Joh It Is about finished now all but the rolling" Mr Berkley and Elliott have been actively engaged in making the Improvement FEED HUNGRY HORDE Baker's Restaurant Doss Largest Business in Itg History We served 1400 people Tuesday' said Baker Wednesday morning It was the biggest day lit the history of tlie restaurant The only thing ran short of was milk and cp-um We hud 36 people employed to serve Ihe crowd 1 think all Were waited on ns ppimptly aa could be exiM-ctcd'' tine hundred and fifty pounds of meat were served at noon besides all of the special optor results in the quick relief of whether caused by local injuries or disorder of uny of the Internal are oh tained by using UAHLINS WIZARD OIL JIv David llallev Mgr REMEMBER BOTH PHONES 1G41 I THE CONSUMERS' COAL COMPANY sftpfteftafta' CASE POSTPONED Urbana Women Attend Spring-field Function Miss Conrey to Sing fprrlit fe tht Iht lit Xrtcl t'RRANA June 14 1 The case of Lawson against A tOltlmaii to recover money alleged to be due hl-n for some show cases In the defend tins possession was continued urrll nest Tuesday by Judge Middleton because of the illness of Mrs IGItluan This la the second time the case has been postponed Entertained at Springfield The Mesdiiniea Berry Anna Kingsley Frank Uitnsun Jr Harry Btudler George Mef'rai-ken and Frank AlcGruvken were tlie gues's Wedies day at a luncheon served by Mrs 8 Klliott ut Bpringltoid Miss Conrey to 8ing Miss Mary who Is here to nttend Ihe wedding Thursday evening will return to Iter home In Cincinnati Monday Bh will sing nt the morning services at Ihe Tre-byterlHn Church Rundny nnd has been engaged to render a musical program nt the morning service rt (Ms church during the first two Sundays nf the month of Jnlr Mulliean la Dstoetive Jeff Mulllcnn hna accepted position ns yftrd detective for the Pennsylvania rsllnwd nt rnliimbua nnd will enter uron hla new duties June SO OPEN-HANDED CHARITY Ballis Belle Freeman Steals A Purse While Turning Invalid in Bad Bailie Belle Freemnn a colored woman who has twrveJ a tenn In the penitentiary for larreny was In folic Court Wednesday morning on the charge of Mealing 335U from Anna Gnrnea nn invalid Blie pleaded guilty and the Court will pass on her case Friday morning Patru'iinnn Gnnder In his statement to the Court said that the Freemnn woman went Into Mr (lumen's house 104 East Main street to look after her aa she la a ronllrined Invalid Blown suffering from an ulnrrss on her peck nnd the Freemnn woman together with Clara Kurd were turning hrj over III bed when they discovered sii-ketbonk under her pillow nnd Ihe I Freenmn woman appniprbited It SAYS WIFE IS UNTRUE London Man Attend Convantion and Finds Frau With Anothar Man William Bolsell of Ijindon com-ptulued to (lie police Tuesday night about his wife from whom he has been separated for a number nf years He cam to this city to attend the Knights of Pythius cclcbrntlnn nnd diaiovercd hla wire In the street with another man He wanted her arrested Immediately asserting that she wus staying at a place of unsavory reputation at North Fountain avenue HELPED FOUND HOME William Hughes of Lorain who Is In attendance at the state of convention was a member of the "home committee'' a committee appointed at l'ie Pint convention in twelve years ago to frame plans for lh if home He states that he then and there favored Bprlngfleld as a site for the Institution aa It la pretty centrally located and contains more members of fraternal orgmlxii-lions among It citizen than any nth er city in the slat a cording to pnpu Th other members of the commit tee are nut In Htiendume at this cunven- 1 tlmi several Never mbke a por prerent to a poor perron because he Is poor nor a rich present to a rich person because he la rich I Persona Charged With Giving Awa yPspers Anxious To Set- John Norris Gets In tt reported Wedn-silay that nearly all of the persons charged with giving away cigarette papers and therefore liable for the cigarette tax will con promise tlielr caa-a and not stand trial The feason for this decision on their pari la the ruling of Judge A II Kunkle of Common Plea court to Ihe effect thaf a person Is not liable fur the tax fur an entire year but only for such a tlm- ss he sells cigarettes of gives away the papers the sum thing In tlie eyes of the law Joan Noth detective who pushed these euae and therefore is -mlilei to a large percentage of the tuxes has figured out that when all the oases arc settled his allure will he 385133 Kuil the ruling been to the effect that a irun would be liable for the tax for the year hla fees would have amounted to mure than ISOuti CREATORE COMING Famous Band if Italian Musicians Engaged For Spring Qrevo Creator and his famous band of Italian Miusiclans will entertain tha people at ftprlug drove park July 1 I and 4 Howard few who represents Creator was In tlie city Wednesday and rinsed Ihe deal with General Manager John Miller of the Ppringfleld Hallway company Creator will also be hsnl at Fair-view park In Dsrlnn which will give him full week with the park of the two rallwny coiuiiaiilea controlled by (he Americas Hallway lyimpantos of Philadelphia GROCERS TO HOLD OUTING They Beeirfs to Spend Day at Spring Grave Park The Grocers' Association decide 1 at meeting to hold Its nnnual plvtils" at Bprlng Grove park on Ihe Iui4 U'nal uaIjB I 1 I Vk JulaLM last Wednesday In July The decision was reuchel by unnnlnious vote Kxtrn attractions will be planned for the day and will Include a base ball game GOES TO JOHNSTOWN Ralph Binyscr of York Pa who i Iihs been the guest of Blierlff William A I money has gone to Jolmatown lo vltt friends NERVOUS HEADACHE Thg Caul of Much Suffering to Women Is Permanently Cured When the System I Built Up by DR A NERVE PILLS When the head ache hard and throbs when the neck and eyes grow stiff the face llnshea or grows deadly while when tny excitement or over effort brings on an Attack of nervous headache go severe that It leaves you weak trembly shaky an utterly worthless for days It la certain in- rtlcuih that the nervotm System is i lered tbit resistive Nw Jl Buno that you need medicine that1 1 goes to ihe rant of the trouble nnd positively cure Mrs John Fall of Fourth St Toronto Oh oayt: like Dr A Chase' Nerve Pills because they cured my nervous sick these headache used to play me out and Imre me weak and nervous the pain being so severs My eyes used to get stiff and sore during the attack and the neck so stiff I could hardly turn It The Nerve Pills however proved to be just what I needed and cured the attacks in vigor-1 portrait! nd signature of A TV Chase I on every package For gale by Buchholix Arcade Drug Store Springfield Ohio Mr Durked waa an nll soldier having served throughout the civil War aa a member of Company 11th Ohio Cavalry- The funeral services wilt be held Friday morning at 111 at the house Burial will be made In the mound at Femellff cemetery Ha said tlmt a heavy set man Who got oil tne car III Nnrul Limestone aireet was the man wnu relieved him of nis wallet Missed Money Today Albert Conover of Aionroc tj dill Hot dim-over until tills momlng tliat ne had been relieved of hla purse cmiiainiiig tm He also thinks tiuit he was rubbed on a street car Had Unlucky Amount A' Clark of Buiitum Clermont county complained of losing hla pock-eibimk and 113 In money on the same cur ini wnlch Clerk Schaefer arrested Fred Layton for rubbing Ueorge Miranda Ray ia Rabbed Ray New Citrilsle reported Ills pockelbouk and between 113 and tin in mntic- taken rm a of Home car Loses Pension Chock James element of illveiis lost his purse add 1151' bedded hi pension check for 130 and railroad ticket on a of home car Yellow Springe Man Touched Jacobs of Yellow Springs wna also a victim losing hla pm-ketbunk which contained If Tickets Hama Taken IJwklin nf Cleveland reported I Tie loss of a small purse whlrh contained two return trip tickets POLICE COURT Vernon Shook pleaded guilty to the charge of assault and battery upon Harry Lane a atreet cat conductor In police court Wednesday morning and was fined $1 and costs William Fletcher charged with housebreaking and stealing a watch from Mrs 15 East Columbia street snlJ he wan not guilty and will be given trial Friday Elmer Fields arrested for drunkenness und disorderly behavior and abuelng his wife pleaded guilty and the court will pass on his case Thursday morning Eugene Liles plexded not guilty to the charge of atoning a street car and had his trial set far Friday morning Charles Troop pleaded not guilty to the charge of loitering and will be tried Friday Clarence Walker up for drunkenness will be given a hearing Saturday PLEADS FOR FREEDOM Michael Burns' Plea la So Earnest That Judge Millar Ralaaaas Him Michael Burns when brought before Judge Miller In Folice Court this morning charged with being a fugitive from Justice eam-stiy pleaded for freedom and he got It Hums while serving a fine of 350 for loitering escaped from the old city prison in Spring street lust August He su'd he hud imt since been back to Springfield until Tuesday "If you'll tot me go Judge I'll get out of town and never bother you ngain" he said Bums added that he would not have been here yesterday but he wanted to see his brother who about to hiive his foot amputated in the city hospital The ordered Sheriff Splker to opn the door and mid Burns to go forthwith and that If he came back he would have to serve nut the unfln lshad sentence POSTMASTER AT GALION Be itiwrSM fmi WASHINGTON June The pres idem today appointed Geo Mickle i postmaster at Gallon JR osms flalfl Jaakul Laa CLEVELAND OHIO -E-ra Pure Liquors' Ml Vernon re Rye per bottle Wilson Whiskey per bottle i limiter Bye per liottte Green River Whiskey per bottle Jan Itopper Wbiskryffd Aft per bottle I Utl Tho Moore's Pure Hye bottled in bond per quart Old Medalinn Pur Bourbon bottled in bond 1 ftfl per quart I UU Old 7M Imperial Pure Rye per qt John Dewar and Bona Scotch Whiskey per hottle Booth's Imported Tom Gin per bottle Geneva Holland Gin per bottle Wnnlnrr and Cn'i Pry Gin per luittle Keystone Rye per quart Old Private Stock Hour- 7C bon per quart luv Monogram Rye per quart Krans Ale per dorcn Kennedy Co 21 South Foufitaln Avsnus Phones 682 Private Ft Delivery I Artistic MELVILLE CLARK PIANOS Wel Anziner Agent 51 Main St SprinsiGrove Park Casino WEEK BEGINNING SUNDAY JUNE 11th THE FELOTS Sensational Comedy Jugglers GEBTBUDE MORTON Comedienne CHINESE JOHNNY WILLIAMS AND COMPANY Assistsd by Williams and the Talking Kyoodle "FoolUh" In tlielr tarlesque novelty Prof Hermann Outdone 'DONALD Vocalist LATIMORE AND LEIGH Tao Mysterious Boys SANEST AND BEET Tho Air Boys Matinees Tuesday Thursday and ftaturilav Want No Money We Don't Want Your Money Unless you are entirely satisfied with every purchase you make at our store Should von buy anything from that is not entirely satisfactory we will refund your money just as rheerfnllr as we took it If it siiils your convenience make our store your headquarters Y7e promise courteous treatment and square deni lo all The Morrow Drug Co Bookwaiter Hotel Building Comer High find Limestone Sts a a i tnpni iiTVvin Wrij Dome or tPe pains VUlCn Ik sway and the others being unable to be present Mr Hughes witnessed most promptly und successfully the dillcstlon Of the new administra- -p Vok terrible selsures fiurh medicares tro rheumatism neural- h- 'or the fiict tnnt he was one who help ed originally to design It headache earache of them having inssed will rebuild mil re-supply the lost nerve force that will so strengthen you that you ran resist and overcome cine la Dr A Chase's Nerve Pills a medicine that does not relieve but gis toothache sprains burns scalds cuts colic etc This great curative medicine 01 of th this wc-k will exned in enjoyin' nt ihf- Is pleasant sare ana certain djn-c given riismnkei rUani hiii In West Main street Tuesday evning remedy for internal und eater- visumg and tlielr lady frb-nda The ilanr- was ar- euI use which never fills to Mitoato relieve and cure Nothing else Bd fr he arrt their friends Over 500 Visitors Attend tha On in Champion Guard HalL II 8 JacKsou had charge of llie fluur like it At drUgglfiK iritf OUI nnd aw dial 1V) couple were aerom- mdsti'd at eaeh danre The music was furnished tr relies- Th1 make nt feel 1 speak too Ira 1 Is estimated that over peo-Ipie visited the hall and dsneed during evH-ing sud $100 Fully guaranteed Sold And recommended by hurry As a result I feel steady In nerves physically strong and on and In every wiy sound nnd well hghly of the medicine'' 50 rente hex at dealers or Dr A Chase Medicine Co Buff sin BUCIIH0LTZ Arcade Drug Store Subscribe for The News.

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Springfield News-Sun from Springfield, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.