Evansville Courier and Press from Evansville, Indiana (2024)

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Evansville Courier and Pressi

Evansville, Indiana

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THE EVAN SVILLE COURIER: 1 tos KSTABUSIIED 1845 EVANSVILLE IND SUNDAY MAY 3 IMHCI3 FIVE CENTS Puzzle for the New Contest START TO MAKING CLASS IT NEW FACTORY Beginning to Be Made Today-Success of Oil Company in the Birdseye A to At tack Smoke Nuisance BOARD HOLDS UP ILL ASPHALT CONTACTS Citizens Charge Board Mayor With Showing Prejudice Hemenway Said to Figure in Action Postponed PRIEST ACCUSED OF MURDER OF WOMAN Visitor at the House at the Time it Occurred No Evidence Against Him Except That of Bloodhounds YANGER GIVEN DECISION OVER BROAD riTN' 1 i tra PICTURES WON PRIZES BENNY YANGER League Tried to Stop the Bout and Judge Postponed Case to Go to the Result Pleased the Crowd LORAIN Ohio May The Rev Father Wulser waa arrested today on thn cbsTpC of murder of Mlsa Reich 1 and wax taken to tha jail at Elyria Mayor King who ordered the arrest said he did It aa much for the print's protection as for anything else The polii-c have abandoned tbe theory that the murderer entered by the ladder and window The hounds found no trail from the ladder nor In the yard wax a guest for the night at the hutiM nnd hie room adjoined that of MIxh Reichiln The door between the rooms could only be locked from his room The Rev Ferdinand Walser celebrated his silver Jubilee at Rt Joseph's college Rensselaer Ind March 15 He Is 61 years old Un the Sunday following he was tendered great reception at Sacred Heart church Father Walser has been assistant paator of Sacred Hmt church in Toledo for about aix months He cams to Lorain on Wednesday last as a guest at the home of Rev Charles Reichiln pastor of SL Joseph's Catholic church In this city The Inter was tailed to Kelly's Island (o officiate at a funeral late Wednesday At hie home he left his sister and housekeeper Agatha nnd a younger brother Casimlr to entertain the visiting priest During the night according to the story of Rev Walser he heard screams from tbe room occupied by the girl and declared that be gained the hallway Just in time to see a man disappearing tit rough an open window When Cae-slmlr Reichiln reached hla bed-toom she wss dead her head having been nearly pounded to a pulp with a rock or some blunt instrument Bloodhounds were brought here from Fort Wayne Ind early today and given the scent of the murderer The dogs circled around the house several times and finally went to tbe room occupied by Rev Father Walser on the night of the murder They again took the trail Bnd led the officers directly to St Joseph's hospital where ReV Walser slept last night He was found at the hospital and placed under arrest the officers claiming there were many suspicious circ*mstances against him In addition to the bloodhounds foliowing his trail Rev Walser showed no excitement when placed under arrest and deflated that he was Innocent The murdered young woman waa handsome Slid had many friends and admirers In this city ELYRIA May Rev Ferdinand Walser ha been locked up in the county jail here He offered liall lo any sum that might be desired bMt this the officers refused to consider He 'declared he was very tired and was ralmly sleeping within a half hour after being placed In cell before being locked up Ihp a meed priest repeatedly declared his innocence "Ob my he crlrd "what a position to he In 1 came lo Ixtraiu lo hare a quiet visit and this had lo hap pen I am Innocent as a hahy 1 hare nothing lo offer In defense They will have to prove -me guilty'' PEAK OF MOUNTAIN IS MOVIfW SLOWLY The aecretary of the Evansville Business association gives out the following: "In the progress of the city some things hare recently occurred that should bo published The two best barometen of prosperity art bank clearings and railroad earnlnga The bank clearings of 1902 exceeded those of 1901 by about $10-000000 The bank clearings of the first four months of exceed the corresponding period of 1902 by nearly $9000000 Inquiries of tbe railroad officials show that busmen in and out of the city of Evansville Is larger than ever la tact Just as much as can be handled Make Glaaa Today "The Bargent glace factory will commence making glue tomorrow About fifty of their hands have arrived and a good many more will come In during the next week There are at least three other glass factories seeking to locate la this city If the Business association had $25000 to work with now It could make Bvanevllle a great glue manufacturing center 011 this point I made an Important discovery during the last week On a trip to the mineral region so rapidly developing on tha Illinois Central railroad Ih northern Kentucky I found near thin city wliat seems to be an Inexhaustible supply of glass sand which will probably analyse 97 to par cant of silica It la now being analysed and when it Is considered that it can bo brought here for about half the lowest rate now quoted from other points the Importance of tha find to the glaae Industry as for ee Evansville to concerned will be fully appreciated Success In Oil Fields "Our people will be glad to note the success of tbe Southern Indiana Oil company of which Boettlcher 1a president Judge Louie Ranch vice-president Legler general man ager and Philip Euler treasurer The company represented by these gentlemen and a board of directors to the means by which Evansville people have acquired valuable ell properties neur Birdseye Ind' on tbe Southern railroad They hate bored four wells three of them producing oil the last well overflowing and giving Indications of a splendid oil region They were pioneers In this dtotrlri Since they have gone In there the country to full of people taking Lessee and buying prop erty Tbe Standard Oil company has bored three wells two of wblrh are producing and the outlook to first-rate for tbe production of a great quantity of oil near this city It to particularly interesting because our people have not eo for bougbt much property In oil or gas or fluor spsr or lead or sine dll of which aa well as our Inexhaustible coal are abundant In the territory Immediately adjoining the city of Evansville events show bow Important It is to go on with tbe organisation of stork company wblrh may make some Investments In mineral property and which will afford a site for any factory coming to Evansville The books of subscription to the Evansville Investment and Development company aro now In my possession and I trust that every person Interested In the city of Evansville will mil on me to give me a chance to explain to him how he can make money and at the same time advance the Interests of the city he lives In or has property in The Smoke Nuisance has been determined to help the women of the city to Improve the appearance of the rtty by making an effort to rid the city of the nmoke nut ance The next meeting of the A will be devoted to a lecture on tbla subject from Huyette who to aaid to be one of the greatest experts on tbla subject In the country and bis lecture will be illustrated by the stereop-tlcon and will be very Interesting Indeed The members of the association will be requested to bring the ladies of their fomiliea with them Inasmuch as I bey are especially interested In tbla subject I have a telegram from Mr Huyette saying be cannot be here next Tuesday It to probable therefore that our regular meeting will be postponed to some night tbe week after probably May 19 "Why Congressman James Hemenway take such an Interest In the material to bo used In tbe building of axphalt streets la Evansville? Tills question was paramount In the niliil of tho citizens who attended the nu etlng of tho yesterday afternoon and heard the talk made by A Bernardln one of (he heavy properly owncra In Walnut street which street has been ordered Improved with asphalt When objection was raised to granting the contract 'tq the Barbour Asphalt company whd propose to pave the street with Trinidad asphalt at the east of 9303 per square yanV Mr Bernardln rose and -stated that he and 83 per rent of tbe property owners of Hie straet were hi favor of having the thoroughfare paved with Trinidad axphalt He said he had been informed that Mr Hemet way had vlnlted the city and held a long eonaultatbui with the mayor in rawed to street Improvements Ho said that aa a property owner be thought the congressman from the first district had nothing to say as to wbat he should pay for (tree Improvement The meeting was a stormy one from the beginning until tha close and adjourned after a motion by Commissioner Wunderlich postponing Indefinitely all action on asphalt streets waa passed Mayor t'nrert raj present at the meeting and made a short talk to the property owners present He said It waa his object and tha object of the board to nee that tho street contracts wore let Just as low aa possible He said he ihought the Barbour company had made an exorbitant bid and that they should not be awarded the contract Attorney Williamson who represented the company contended that the bid was reasonable and cited Instances In other cities whera tho same rompany wss laving streets at a higher figure than that asked in Evansville Attorney George A Cnnnlngham represented Mr White He said the Kentucky rock asphalt waa the superior of any asphalt In tin country and that the (-nntrs-xjre were willing to agree to put doea'a Street- superior to those laid liy the Trinidad people Mr Cunningham mad a number of testimonials in regard to the value of tbe Kentucky prodm i One of the telegram! was from an agent of the company and was addressed to Mayor Covert and While A Klchel contractors The mayor did mu like the Inslnnation that he was favoring any one company and aala lie was unalde-tD account for the telegram having been eifft Jointly to him and the contracting company The majority of the property holders in Outer Washington avenue were present to pniiext against the street being laid with Kentucky rock asphnlt They said they were willing to pay the additional corf In order to have a good street Many of the property owners said if they were unable to have the slrnct paved with Trinidad asphalt they would axk the board to brick the strwi Mr Williamson contended that the refusal of th hoard to grant the request of the proicriy owners In Washington avenue showed that politics figured to some extent In tho matter of granting eonirsrix Attorney Genres A Cunningham representing While the contractor said that the streets laid with Kentucky naphalt had proved to be superior to those laid with any other kind He said li was willing for a committee to visit the cities In country where the Kentucky product was now in use In order thnt they might see for themselves the superiority of the Kentucky axphalt It was evident from tho talks of the property owners present that they were in favor of nothing but Trinidad asphalt Commixsluner Wunderlich made a motion thxt the action un all asphalt streets lie postponed indefinitely The motion Sx unanimously car ried The contract for the brick streets ordered several weeks ago was awarded to the lowest bidder there being no remonstrances Trom the property owners Resolutions for the construction of sidewalks ns follows were confirmed: Ixmixiers street between Rawley and Garvin streets Kentucky avenue between LInrolu avenue and Witiiam street East si le New Turk avenue between Lincoln avenu" and William street The resold'-inn for the Improvement of Second street between Adams avenue and Emmett street was rescinded "the FORECAST Showers followed fair anl cooler Snnday: Monday fair fro winds Kentucky-Fair Sunday and Mo: dny cooler Sunday in western portion and in eastern portion Monday The' record of temperature aa ob-versed at the local office of tho United Slates weather bureau Saturday was as follows: 4 a 9 degrees A HI 19 degrees a 41 degrees jo a 55 degrees 12 noon 62 degrees 2 66 degrees 4 70 degrees The record of temperature this dale Inst year maximum R3 minimum 66 J08EPH I CLINE Observer OLD BAYING PICTURES THAT TitUf wetwi Mm la Ths Courier's etrrli and end drawing contact wn awarded by tha committee Saturday aa tollowa: Pint prise $100 Eddie Geluler 106 Riverside avenue Bacoad prim 60c Walter Gnwa 1019 Mary street Second prise Ruth Btockflath 626 Gram Third prise SheMoa Beard Howell Ruth Peekinpaugh 621 Elliott Victor Bolng 410 Chandler avenue Tlllla Gahelnaa 16 Rant Delaware Masalla Fuquay 708 Upper Fourth Prise winners should call at once on Artist Alexander at The Courier office and receive their awards The committee consisted of Mas Annie Nex-aen John A Roush and Captain George A Btokely of No 1 hose house They epeat nearly an afternoon In examining the various contributions and made every effort to see that the most worthy gained the prizes -A third contest starts 'today Six puss*es will be printed one each day from Sunday to Friday Inclusive An- DIES IN REFORMATORY Sad Funeral ol a' Young Man in Dubois County Ind (Special to The Courier JASrER lnd May The remains of Alex Jdullen whose parents live at Ireland four miles went of here reached here this morning from the Indiana reformatory where he died yesterday morning of measles Mr Mullen was not yet of age and was sent to the reformatory about a year ago for stealing honey He plead guilty to that charge la October 1901 but was released during good conduct and at the next term of court he was before Judge Ely for contempt but was again released upon his promise to get out and go to work and pay the eoets In the contempt case which he foiled to do and Anally was cent to the reformatory on the rharge of stealing While In the reformatory he met with an accident that lost him an eye and Anally took the disease of which he died His parents while poor are Industrious and highly respected people His remains were met hers at the depot by all of hie relatives except bis liter Bora who Is under quarantine IN yfj i LOUISVILLE Ky May After having been placed under arrest at the Instance of the Citizens' league Benny Yanger and Kid Broad went twenty fast rounds at the Southern Athletic club tonight Yanger getting the decision At 4 o'clock thin afternoon the principals Manager Gray of the Soul hern Aclhlollc club and Referee Tim Hurst were arrested and taken liefore Judge Car utli of the criminal court Judge Carat held the men could not he put in Jail unless the contest should develop In a prlxe fight He Imposed bond of $1000 to keep the peace each cose The fight tonight was fast Tfrirt during the first ten rounds the men seemed to tire but they woufi' recuperate quickly and go at It again hammer and tonga Broad proved a glutton for punishment 'Yanger clearly out-potnted him Yanger drew Art- rood in the third round with bard smash to the nose Broad kept playing for the body nnd his blown Beamed to ehake Yanger considerably After tbla Yanger seemed to freshen up nnd Broad seemod rather winded Brand landed three o' (aging rights on Yanger's Jaw In quick succession at the opening of the sixth Yanger drove a pair of rlfts to the stomach in a pile-driver fashion and then repeated the dose with vigor which sent Brand Into a clinch to hang on heavily EMPEROR VISITS ROME William Receives Cordial Greet ing from Italian Populace ROME Italy May Emperor William on hia arrival here today waa wel-romril at the railroad station by King Ylrtor Emmanuel the duke of Genoa and other notable persons The crowd was so great the soldiers and carbineers had difficulty in maintaining order The emperor and King Emmanuel's cortege passed down Via Nasonaie and up Via Del Qniranle at a trot amid contlnnmia cheers At tha loot of ilia grand staircaaa Inside the palace their majesties were met by Count Ginalotl prefect of tho palace iin-ss her moat sincere regret that the '-us unable to accompany him to Rome In reply Queen Helena aaid she the Mug and the people of Rome deeply regretted that the empress was unable lo visit Rome on thW occasion I'iazza del Qulrlnale was crowded with people who rontlnwoisly railed for tha German emperor to appear Finally he responded to the invltariou and slippered on tba balcony twice with King Victor Emmanuel nnd Queen Helena and the German and Italian princes The party was greeted with -n-liuxiat-Hc cheering which on each or-axlon was continued five minutes Iaf--r In tne day Emperor William went to the pantheon to visit the tombs of King Victor Emmanuel II nnd Klug Humbert on which be placed wreerhx Mter giving some roses from the wreaths to the court chaplain and to General Desonnah guardian of the tomb Tbe crowds outside of the pan- iheon applauded the emperor Subsequently the German emperor in the fullest state visited the mother He was conducted Into har presem-e by the- duke of Genoa They had a short but moat coidlal inter-1 view I The pope ie pleaaed at the aulcuuity and importance with which the emperor regarda hla coming visit to the vatu an Mission at Assumption Mlsaion services will be held all week at Vruraptlon church by Father iayrock The vervlris will '-line nex Bunday night At lb -r-vk-es SiindAy evening a cIsm of lr0 will be i-'vcllrmed Special mnale will he xlven at each servkr Broad began slowing down In the eighth under broadside of merciless body blows Nevertheless his punches would Jar Yanger when they went home The ninth round developed a terrific eschango of straight Jaba to the head with honors even It was still anybody's light up lo tho seventeenth round allhough Yanger appeared the freshest From this to the end they tried vainly for knot-knot without Hiiccess the twentieth round ending with a fierce rolx-up The doclslon of the referee met the approval of the crowd Yanger having clearly proven himself tbe clovers? and faster man of the Wo Brood waa wobbiy pt the fljJsb Vwo thousand Eve hundred people sew the fight Shortly after noon today a delegation of citizens appeared at Police Juatlre Field nnd made affidavit that they had reason to believe that a prlxe fight waa to take place at the Auditorium between Kid Broad and Benny Yanger Peace warrants were nrkcd for Broad and Yanger Tim Hurst the rereree and Gray manager of the Southern Athletic club returnable at 9 o'clock A bond of $3nuo each to keep the peace was asked In cS'-h cane and a restraining order was requested Judge Field refused to consider the case and ruled that It must come before Jiulgo Csruth When tbe matter wait brought before Judge f'aruth he announced that it waa too much to aak any Kentuckian to mlsa the Derby and that therefore he would bear tho case at 6 o'clock thin evening TWO STABLE BOYS AND 32 HORSES BURNED Stables of Gould Brokaws De strayed Loss $50000 GREAT NECK May Two nugro atableboya and thirty-two valuable horses were burned to death tn a fire which destroyed tha ntablea on Gould Brokaw's estate early today Tha financial lose will amount to between $10000 and $50000 The fire started about midnight and burned fiercely for more than two honra Tbe local fire department tried to save the property but the effort wee unsuccessful Mr Brokaw who la a wealthy merchant and society men of New York appeared the lire soon after the engines arrived He waa anxious to have tba two stable hoys rescued but tho room where they are euppoeed to have been axlecp was in Barnes before the stream was turned on The origin of tho Ira lx unknown BOAT TIPS OVER Capsizes in Heavy Sea in Race With the Cadets ANNAPOLIS Md May A heavy sea capiized the Unlvers'ty of Pennsylvania's clght-oared shell in tbelr race today on the Severn with the navy's crew and gave to the later an easy vie: tory The crew waa taken off In a launch The freshmen crew race was called off OPERA FOR THE SUMMER May Be Made a Regular Feature at Local Theater Manager Tom Kress representing tba Graves and Comic Ooera company waa In the city yeeterday trying t- arrange with Manager Schoto to gi- eight weeks of summer opera In ih'x city Mr Kress explained how ciei irlc fans could be put to use and make the theater aa root as any park in he city Delaney Williamson Dead GKENNCA8TIF Ind May Williamson ex-attorney generii of Indiana died here today He was born in Kentucky in People in Frank Will Have tG Abandon the Town -1 swers must be in by Saturday morning at 10 o'clock Any child attending school may compete Besides guessing the prise neatness and penmanship will he taken Into account There will also be another slight requirement marie which any child can fulOl This will be announced later The prises will be the same as for the circle and oval drawing contest There will be a first prise of $100 two second prises of 60 cents each and live third prises of 25 cents each In tbe town of Otwell hiving been ex-posed to email pox The remains were laid to rest in Shiloh remetery near Ireland this morning and ladder funeral was never wltneMsed In this locality CHARRED BODY FOUND Evidently Lost Life in Forest Fire Loss $1 000000 COUDER8PORT Penn May Thf charred body of Edward Hill was found today In tbe road near Oleana Poyyer county He had evidently met death la the forest Ore which swept the Kettle creek territory yesterday His bone was also burned to death Great dam' age bae been wrought by tbe forest Ores in thle vicinity Tbe town of Cron Forka Is threatened with destruction Tbe saw and pinning mill of the Lackawanna Lumber rompany has beer destroyed together a number of can belonging to the Buffalo and Snr-quebanna railroad company and term buildings In the southern section of the town ThS loss thus for la estimated at about AtOOOiiOU FRANK May At an emorganry meeting of the board of trade but night Premier Hnultaln announced tho opinion of Chief Englncei McHenry of the Canadian Pacific rail reeling the queen informed her that road that the remaining peak of the he German empress (wired him to ex- road that the remaining peak Ahn escorted the emperor aad German prim-ex to Hvlzxeri hall where Queen Helena was In waiting with the ladles of her household The emperor alter mountain was creeping slowly and thai he considered the town unsafe He stated further thnt ha had made arrangements with tbe Canadian Pacific railway to have special trains lu-n- to convey tha people to different points along the line Those who were unable to pay would be cared for Many are availing thcmselvea of the opportunity Everything to being done to avert ir possible another calamity BOOM STARTED FOR THOMAS Indiana' A Endorse Him for the National Presidency INDIANAPOLIS May 2 -The Indiana division of the Traveler Protective association today indorsed James Thomas for national pre Went to lm presented to the national (invention which meats here next month John Shnttleworth of Te-re Haute via elected state president ard Clumbers of Terre Haute retary-treasurer Lafayette will en'ertain the next state convent icn To Build Addition PRINCETON Ind May 3 -The Southern railway will soon rommenre tha erection of another building aa an addition to the large ear shop The building wl'l he gtx276 feet and will contain tracks to repair and build new -are The present building Is tfoxlFO fret Tbe company has been hampered for room ever since the erection of the shop 9R0WNS HERSELF IN THE EMBARASS Knox County Woman Commits Suicide While Husband Is in Town After Groceries VINCENNES Ind May 2-Tbe wife of Millard Lawrence a wealthy farmer committed sulrlrie today bj drowning herself In the Embarrass river She aent her huaband to Vincennes or groceries and directed her fonr eh 11 Iren to perform rhorea then she walked a mile to the river and plunged over 'he embankment The body was recovered The cause tl her raah ant to a mystery as so for is is known her domestic relatione ere pleasant.

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Evansville Courier and Press from Evansville, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.