The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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made dog blanket that his luxuriant coat made a little superfluous at the moment and a golden leash More understandable to him no doubt was a year's supply of dog food Owning amily Shares in 8th Annual Dinner The Grant family shared in the prizes receiving a lOOO US bond in addition to a lux urious stay in Chicago This was the eighth annual dog hero award dinner and it is rather remarkable that this was lhe third time that a collie had been lhe guest of honor The dinner attended by outstanding persons in the dog world civic organizations vet erinarian groups the press and Humane Society lenders Duke is a moderate sized collie He is the product of a planned neighborhood breeding and was obtained from friends by the Grantz family' when he was a puppy Although a mite apprehensive in the bustle and noise of Loop he maintained his poise and pleas ant disposition at all times He was perfectly behaved No one at the festivities was any happier than Mrs Peter Moizuk of 28716 Gilchrist Drive Willowick It was Mrs Moizuk who first nominated Duke for' the award She even had her own party in her hotel room here for Duke and Penny Penny a sixth grader at Jefferson School in Niles will take Duke 1o the Ohio State Eair in Columbus where they will appear riday and Saturday Aug 25 and 26 On Sunday Aug 27 they will attend the Chagrin Valiev Kennel Club all breed show at Northfield Pacewaj as a spe cial attraction Ifnp CLIVCLANB PLAIN BIAlUt I SUNBAY AUtt JO 11 Lack of 6 Monh Gl reeze Called Wise WY 1 1676 and are 4 National Dog Kennel and Paddock 4 assistant recui can the GAKG0SAS Marine Raker Chap of the US now until the at 29th are would not be the six mouth trainees camps around the na Oat' most reachin age about 21 to wait rather than the Guard or Army lives at 400 collie named draped with medal by Maj Wash DC Labor weekend 1 Miller Drive the qualifications for the language should at TO 1 5661 tn and 22 officers mep in the unit non paid drills a Duke Niles Hero ol 1961 is Gen Hugh Mackintosh of the US Army as Penny Grantz looks on with teaching call her day time night There three enlisted which has 21 year Retirement points may he built up by attending the drills By DO SABVTH Ttaln Dealer Military Writer The Army made a wise move during the week in announcing that a put on now' at nation Because of the Berlin situa tion it was believed that these trainees would be ordered to remain on active duty for addi tional months The Army did order extension of overseas tours for officers nd enlisted men and individ uals leaving the service after Oct 1 They will remain in for additional four months At the same time the Army dded that some ROTC officers on six month tours of duty will remain on active duly for a longer period and more officers will be given two year assignments The Army decided to let the aix month men return to their individual units for two reasons They were: Legally lhe men are car ried in the strength reports of their hometown units They are only on attached duty for theix month period Recruiting for the program would be killed for a long time to come by an action extending the six month tour of duty According to previous poli cies members of the Army Na tional Guard and lhe Army Re serve are not io be ordered to olive duly as individuals but only as units About 7000 or more six month men complete theirtraining each month Greater Cleveland had been sending bout 15 men each month mostly to ort Knox Ky eared Boomerang Reserve leaders were afraid the of the trainees would boomerang in the ing area They reasoned that men with several years before draft choose list in serve Ohio's 83d Division of Army Reserve has been builtinto its current strong state of readiness by the six rnonlh pro gram according to Maj Gen Harold Harding division commander Enlistments in th? program (which ar? filled to capacity here) will be limited this fall to those men under the age of 20 And these recruits will not go on lhe six month lour' of active duty until after the first of the year This is because the Army training camps will be jammed to capacity with draftees An individual in the six month program can breathe easier at least his unit is activated if the world crisis worsens Seek Spanish Teacher Lance Cpl 731 Thorn has completed junior women officers at lhe Marine Corps young to go the current would en Re Handsome Collie Brings Home to Ohio His Awards as Outstanding Hero Col Gillespie Honored Col Richard Gillespie of Bay Village last week was hon ored for "out standing service to the nation as an officer of the US Army Re He received a citation from Lt Gen Raul ree and at Headquarters Continental Armv Command ort Monroe Va Gillespie who retired after 35 years of service last year was honored for his duty with the service of supply and ground forces reinforcement system in World War If as commander of the 2118th Station Comple ment (USAR) and as mobiliza tion designee at Headquarters Continental Army Command He is a member of lhe Na tional Council Reserve Officer's Association past president of lhe Ohio Chapter ROA chair man of the Ohio Department ROTC A a Committee member of the US Military Academy selection committee for northern Ohio and secretary of the Newton ter Association Army Gillespie who manager of 1he Cleveland re gional office of the Veterans Administration Bassett Road Bay Village Present at the ceremony were the colonel's wife Muriel and daughter Priscilla Military Notes All former members of the (Blue and Gray) Division invited annual re union at 1he Statler Hilton Hotel in i over the Day or further formalion municate William Park Parma Woman Regina Gargosas hill Drive Nr the course School Quantico Va Navy Ensign Raunond By LaRUE DANIELS CHICAGO A sagacious and hand some collie and his pretty JO year old mis tress whom he saved from flaming death have just returned to their Niles home after three days of festivities here in which the dog was given the Hero of Heroes title of American dogdom urther honors await them in their home state Duke a 5 year old golden lrUE Daniels collie with a white neckpiece tore the burning clothes off his mistress Penny Grantz after they had been ignited by a wind blown bonfire in their home yard last March Using teeth and paws he ripped off the burning dress burning his mouth painfully respite Duke eltorts Penny was badly burned requiring eight weeks of care before re covering Doctors said there was no doubt lie had saved her life Duke was selected for his high honor in an annual search conducted by the Ken Ration division of the Quaker Co to determine the heroic dog in the nation He was named over 51 didates that had rendered out standing service to mankind The paiml of three judges in cluded this writer Duke was the unanimous choice Penny is a daughier of John and Delores Grantz and is one of a family of nine children Grapfz is a night shift worker at the Pittsburgh Steel Co plant in Warren The family Ines at 2238 Youll Street Niles Palmer House Banquet Acclaims Achievement The hero dog was hailed for his achievement at a gala ban quet at famed Pal mer House At the climax of the ceremony the beautiful dog dignified and alert and Penny radiant and pretty in a pink dress and wearing a nosegay appeared under a a ms A 'w i me? 4 WW? iNv WwO 0 "KI I 1 Jr Xi nk A 1 'I ry 9 1 lUT If A ra 'I V' I I 37 I 7 jHf 1 (TL RIG4 An Army civil affairs unit isearching for an officer or en listed man to teach Spanish to the unit Maj Charlotte Cass nf the 2370th USAR unit said anyone IMAGINE! PILLS that KILL 12013 Woodland Av enue SE is serving with Pa trol Squadron 31 at the North Island Naval Air Station San Diego Calif Pvt Geoffrey Spaeth 3528 Glencairn Road Shaker Heights and Pvt James Sender 8602 Garfield Boule vard Garfield Heights are members of Co 12th Battal ion ourth Training Reg iment ort Knox Ky illiam A Zeebman seaman apprentice 3611 Leopold Av enue SW and Thaddeus Campbell mate first class 13508 Crossburn Avenue SW are serving aboard th? attack carrier USS Kitty Hawk formal arch at the entrance to the banquet hall To the accompaniment of "My Hero" played by a string trio the two slowly strolled down a long aisle flanked by the tables of some 125 diners At the head of the aisle they were joined by Maj Gen Hugh Mackintosh US Army who slipped the beribboned gold honor medal over the dog's head It could almost literally be said that there was not a dry eye in the house Duke received some other things that max have puzzled him a bit There was a gold plaque testifying to his heroic deed a custom 15 PiHonik Business Holicet PUBLIC NOTICE TO EVERYONE! Why pay moi when you can huy direct from 1STR1BUTORS WAREHOUSE? rom RR car to you! The finest quality on home furnishings convinced with a visit to ou huge display room ull of fine CAR PETING APPLI ANCESand URNITURE In Early American rench and Ital rf A1' i a Provincial Con temporary Danish Modern etc Budget terms to suit Open 9 pm daily Sat urday 6 pm We attend the church of our faith on Sunday Please come in to take a look We will be pleased to have you visit us Thank You! DISTRIBUTORS WAREHOUSE 6920 Union Ave 'Off Broadwav) REE PARKING DIAMONDS THE DIAMOND JEWELRY WE OK OR SALE IS ROM ESTATES AND OTHER SOURCES AT ONLY A RACTION ITS MARKET VALUETHE OLLOWING EXAMPLES AR ONLY A SMALL PORTION OUR TREMENDOUS STOCK Bridal Diamond Set $25 Iadys Vj Carat Diamond Va Carat diamond earrings Lady 1 Carac Diamond set $293 Mans Carat Diamond Ring 7ys A COMPLETE SELECTION NEW MODERN JEWELRY AND MANY OTHER GIT ITEMS AT LOAr PRICES MA 1 S20R PR 1 1290 Saul 260 The Arcade Christmas Trees direct from th producer at econ omy prices Sheared Scotch Pine 5' Beautiful blue and Norway spruce up to 8' cut or balled We sell on th stump at the road or delivered to your lot Can accommodate large or small orders Drive out to Union City and tag your trees Nursery located on Rout? 6 one mile east of Union Ctv just 22 mTc south of Erie Call fur an appointment Mcnohers Nursery Phone 4 Union CHy Pennsylva nia Pay Bills In One Place our Plan Requires no Co sjgners or Security We are not a loan company Tf vou at? employed and owe from $500 to $10000 and th payment! are high or behind Call us for an appointment Consolidated Adjustment Co CLOSED ATERNOON OPEN SAT 3981 117 street CL 2 2422 NOTES JUDGMENTS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Purchased or Collected SPECIAL RATES GIVEN TO EXECUTORY ESTATES HEAD MERCANTILE COLLECTION SERVICE 13 14 Schofield Bldz MA 1 7562 $10 Cash Paid To RH Negative Blood Donora Cleveland Biological 701 Wet St Clair MA 1 54 7 7 REE All TPS Photo Hnlshlnr st discount price Write today for our new price list: Modern ilm Service PO BOX 8484 CLEVELAND 3 4 Positite Blood Donor Urgently Need Now Thru Mon Cleveland Biological 701 Wet St Clair MA 1 5(77 ILMS DEVELOPED AT DISCOUNT PRICES Phon? GL 1 8292 or write lor REE ILM MAILER Willard Photo Service BOX 2554 C1KVE1AXD OVER 30 YEARS IN CLEVELAND Clip this ad for uture Reference Well mannered young rnan denim to accompany gentle man or middle aged couple a traveling companion In Eu rope Box 2 5528 Plain Dealer ANT1 NOISR EARPLUGS Give ycu quiet slcop or study or swimmers too $1 for 3 pr at Mar shall Druz stores fleas lice even ticks! Sjl Mil 'A I Cui ectoral is the remarkable new PILL that your dog simply takes with his food It works from the inside out to control troublesome external para sites More effective than messy powders or sprays and far more convenient! Ask your Veterinarian about ectoral Community Relations By KEV GILLESPIE KEY GULS1E ban wax poo over was Memo Earl Dickerson president of the Supreme Life Insur ance Co of America and his associates conducted lhe finest programs in the history of Ne gro business last week during their celebration in Chicago of 4 0th annivers ary Guest speak er at their quet which attended by pie from all the country Julius Udochi Nigerian ambassador One would have to have been in the vast McCormick Place last Wednesday evening to un derstand fully the international implications of this celebration As I listened tu the world famous Etta Moten iBainetti sing "America the Beautiful" and "The Nigerian National Anthem" I wondered why we are living in a world of hale fear and critical decisions A A i Ambassador subject was "Problems of the Emergent States Of Africa Political Economic and "The qualities necessary for the successful tackling of the problems that beset the new states of Africa are not unlike those qualities that lead to suc cess in the business world" he said "The he said "ir respective of his academic qual ifications was frequently un able to obtain civil service ap pointment in hisown country As a result much of th high er learning during the period of colonialism was directed to wards law and medicine which by their very nature as profes sions offered the greatest op for individual person al independence This explains the reason why in many Afri can countries technicians are in short supply and have to he re cruited from March Toward reedom It seems strange to me at times that with the many ad vantages that we have had over the African' in the 98 years that we have marched to ward freedom that we are still fighting for justice and equali 1v Then too with the excep tion of the life insurance field Negroes have failed to keep pace with other'elernents of our population in the business world Theie are reasons of course They have not been given the opportunity to organize and successfully operate large cor porations This is now the most important racial barrier facing them The June issue of News ront had an article entitled "Inte gration On Top" "US industry to meet its eer present needs for manage ment professional and techni cal personnel has begun to turn to a previously almost untapped source the 40000 plus Negroes who are now graduating each j'ear from college and profes sional it says "Spearheading the movement to open the higher levels of employment to qualified Ne groes is th National Urban League who'e Commerce and Council has just held a manpower utilization confer ee Concern Marks 40 Years of Progress Trends in Employment Puzzle South Negro Insuran New ence in New York attended by jepi esentatives of 46 cor porations and 13 universities and colleges general and Ne gro "Albert Waters vice pres ident of General oods Corp who presided at the conference said business and industry not only for their own sake but for that of the nation as a whole mu't institute a pro gram parallel to that being car ried on by the federal govern ment to attract qualified young Negroes to responsible posi tion' "Internationally the United States is in the midst of a cold war race and we cannot afford to waste any of our human re he said "Joseph Morrow vice pres ident personnel relations of Pitney Bowes Inc which em ploys Negroes in high level en gineering administrative and sales posts says: con 'ider themselves permanently on trial no matter how long are with a company rom a purely selfish standpoint an employer who might be reluc tant to hire Negroes can as sure himself that they are good workers a good New Methods In South Business Week in its Aug 5 issue says: "or generation' the busi ne''man in the South has been obliged to set his buying his marketing and his hiring poli cies according to racial rules written or unwritten Today he finds himself an involuntary and somewhat confused princi pal in the forced change in a way of life "Events of the last half props out from under the old socio economic structure: new guideposts must be sought in a maelstrom of deeply in grained local laws and customs new government edicts picket signs mob pressures on both sides businessman in the South must balance these old and new factors more delicate ly than ever even though this kind of statesmanship is out side the training and experi ence of most The race problem of course is only a part of over all economic problem We must find some way to bring full employment to the people in this country without being at war Steel Wife Seeks Divorce Mi' William Bidlc Jr wife of the president of SAE Steel' Inc has filed suit for divorce in Common Pleas Court She alleged gross neglect of duty and extieme cruelty She asked for return of her former name Emily King Bole The couple were married June 10 1958 They have no children She lives at 2699 Pochestcr Road Shaker Heights A written separation agree ment called for payment to her of $10000 immediately as ali mony plus an additional $300 a month for 48 months Her husband also agreed to pay $750 toward her attorney fees Mrs Bidle is to gel a 1960 station wagon and agreed to sign over to her husband an interest in 63 acres nf land dozen years have knocked the (they own in Ashland County 15 Personals Business Nolice SOL BERGMAN CO 401 Prospect MA 1 4350 Established 1893 Ohio Oldest and Largest Broker BARGAINS UNREDEEMED is Hit Mils ACCOUNTANT To asiht Comptroller Experienced in wholesale nr retail automobile ac counting desirable Keep complete hooks and pre pare itatementa Age to 35 Call Mr Weston WI 1 1180 American Motors Sale Corp! Zone Office 1591 9 Industrial Parkway Cleveland 35 Ohio LOANS Diamonds BEST BUYS UNREDEEMED DIAMONDS WHICH WE OER OR SALE ARE THOSE WHICH PEOPLE LET AS COLLAT ERAL ON A LOAN AND OR SOME REASON AILED TO REDEEM AS WE LOAN ONLY A RACTION THE MARKET VALUE WE ARE THEREORE ABLE TO SELL THESE UNREDEEMED DIAMONDS AT A VERY LOW PRICE Man's 32 Masonic Ping ine Enamel Wo Larje Cenier Diamond J4 Ca ra Very Brilliant Out of Pawn at $209 3 Carat Diamond Riny American cut ine Brilliancy Heavy Moununf Hanamade Out of Pawn at $972 Diamond Brooch Minoursi DesLn Lare Center Diamond 3'4 Carat 10 Diamonds Aroundiy xjullauL Unredeemed at $285 Diamond Wedding Rinj ishtail Mount nf rintst Desun 5 Lare Diamonds Good Brilliancy IVa Carat Unredeemed at $133 Man's Star Sapphire Rinj Genuine sume la Uarai Carat Heay Mtuniinz 2 Large Diamonds Out of Pawn at $196 HUNDREDS LOOSE DIAMONDS CHOOSE ROM TAKEN OUT OLD OBSOLETE MOUNTINGS Al I SIZES AND SHAPES ROM 02 CARAT TO 10 CARATS PRICED AT OUT PAWN VALUATIONS SEE OUR SELECTIONS Man's Diamond Izmcines Watch Newest Myte 17 Brilliant Danwnds Precision Movement 14 Cae Was $650 Unredeemed at $210 Diamond Earrincs M' dern style Two choice Diamonds Vj Carat Each ine Brilliancy Handsomely Mounted Unredeemed at $175 Indy's 3 Carat Diamond Rinr American Cut Very Brilliant ine Platinum Muuntlnt 2 Large Diamonds Unredeemed at $875 1 Carat Diamond Ring American Cut Very Brilliant Newest Tiffany unlins A Real Buy Unredeemed at $176 Lady i Marquise Damond Ring Cara: an Cut ine Brilllanr Solttalr Mounting Unredeemed at $167 ONLY A SMALL PORTION OUR UNREDEEMED LOANS ARE LISTED HUNDREDS OTHER ITEMS ARE IN STOCK OR YOUR INSPilCTON WE ALSO HAVE HUNDREDS GOOD BUYS OBTAINED ROM ESTATES AND OTHER SOURCES Pearl Heart Ch rm 5 12 Coral Came' Brooch Pearl Earrinzs jobtl 7x50 Binoculars SI6 Gruen 1'1 Kt Universal Geneva Wvrh S22 Diamond Wed line Ring 15 Diamond Stick Pin x2 Cultured Pearl Necklace 15 Lady? Damnnd Bulova Watch Anklt Cham 4 150 4000 OUT PAWN W'ATCI 1ES Bulova Gnien Hamllton Guaranteed 1 Year Service $10 WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE NEW' JEWELRY AT BARGAIN PRICES Jewelry Subject ederal Excise Tt Ai Approximate ACCOUNTANT office mgr with sound basis in cost lor company in con struction supply and mining indus tries Permanent position with s'lld future Reply by letter Jdaiine refer ences and salaiy reaulred Box 3 13J Plain Dealer Acme Gridley Set Up Men Must be able to set up and operate machines Invnlvln? a wide ranse n( opera Hons High rate plus In centive group insurance hospitalisa tion pension plan shift premium plus other benefits Mfg 30240 Lakeland Blvd Wickliffe ADJUSTOR Larce national financial organization will place management training oro sram a college trained man draft exempt who desires io progress on mcril Life Insurance hospitalization company car and expense furnished Plus other company furnished bene fits Good slatting salary with sched uled merit Increases or appointment call Mr Bowman Commercial Credit Corp 153'10 Euclid Ave GL 1 5050 ADJUSTER: National credit corporation wants cxp finance man for Cleveland area must know territory MR SWAIN AC 6 740 fi AERO ENGINEERS Challenging opportunities at KAMAN AIRCRAT for Structural Designers Stress Analysts Weight Engineers Plastic Engineers Test and Development Engineers ENGINEERING DECREE 3 5 YEARS' EXPERIENCE AKRON INTERVIEWS MON AND TUES 21 AND 22 JE 5 3111 MR REPKEWICl I TECHNICAL PERSONNEL If unable to apply send ime tV Repewich Technical Pesojnel Pelationa Dipt KAMAN AIRCRAT AVAILABLE No Carryins Charge Sol Bergman Co 401 Prospect MA 1 4350 MASSAGE "or women Uy special appoint ment onlylt Ohio stale license COLSON MASSAGE SALON 10111 EUCLID AVE ROM 221 SVV 1 5775 CARS DELIVERED Bloomfield non (An Equri Jb Opportunity Employer) AIRLINE PILOTS Accepting application commercial pi lots with instrument ra in Maxi mum age 27 Top prior ty to appli cants wHh ATR Constellation hpceial consideration to ATR DC 7 Will con sider any ATR 4 ensine airc ap plicants Wire collect Kn Marietta lying Tiger Lin Inc iXKkheed Air Terminal Burbank CaLL An equal opportunities employer Anywhere in USA BONDED DRIVERS AA Delivery PR 5721 MOVING toTlORIDa? COMPARE OUR COST 'N 4 00n LB Cleveland to Miami $37 2 Tampa St Pete area S344: Orlando 5336: Palm Beach Sir 4 or other rate call A Aetna Movers BR 1 1414 Alter 6 pm Bp 1 3006 CASH Private party refinancing consolidate bill expansion: 2d mort land contacts SU 1 7160 SU 1 4 L74 lx prosperous tn lb or' 20 yrs? Oppnnuni'y all 1 io 65 if you can sav or mme per wk Ant tor Lee Interview Box 373 Newark Ase rweland Add phon GITS (o the Heart Tuna in memory your friends relatives or associate will be acknowledged ty th? CLEVELAND AREA HEART SOCIETY If5? 9 SW 1 7500 VANS LOADING LA CAL POINTS EN POUTI Personalized Service Non Better SPARKS STORAGE YE 2 3332 PARTY room for all occasions beauti fully decorated alr conditloned stereo phonic compile kitchen parking CentraMy located GA 1 6314 SINGLE mm white drink would like place tn stay till he ths a job will work Ed Piotrowski Summcrlee West Virginia AIRLINE I LIGHT ENGINEERS Citizen A 4 Ilcenx 1st class physical No limitations Wue collect Ken Marietta )w Tlcer Line Inc Lock iced Air Termi nal Burbank California ALUMINUM Sidinr Applicator iS work with crew A experienced nnly no others need apply WY 1 6165 a'tei 5eves APPLIANCE Serviceman: Must be ex perienced on automatic and dryers permanent toed opportunny MU 1 2020 APPRENTICE BOY Splendid opportunity for a clean cut church edns boy to lenrn mechanical enrravinr vhonl raduale niecnanlrailr Not over 20 years old Downtown location Box 20528 Plain Dealer ARCHITECTURAL DRATSMAN firm nf Andnw Burin Architects mini mums 4 yrs exp Prefer West de resident Salary open sample of pre vious werk required Contact Mr Mongdlo at ED 3 2929 for Interview ARCHITECTURAL draftsman residen tial commercial and apts East Side Office Box 3928 Plain Dealer ALL of Delinquent Accounts Col lected Inquiries Invited Cleveland Collection rvice Inc 13431 Cedar RdA Make Your Hom or Bar a chowp1are OR MURALS AND PAINTINGS CONTACT Schiller 1 ANY unmarried mothei needing hrip? write Salvation Armv Hosnttal 1881 Torbenon Dr cr Phone IV 4 1 00 IMMEDIATE HIGHEST CASH BANK PLEDGE or LAND CON TRACT PR 1 IQ 45B 7 7 502 HIGHES1 rPJCES We Wil puy Your Photo Equipment BRYAR PHOTO SUPPLY PR 1 4605 ALL OUT SHELTERS'" CIVIL DEENSE APPROVED HA INANCED WH 6 KL50 CURTIS MITCHELL ret touch 'with Sonora wants divorce Call me at HE 2 3143 DRIVING to Los Aneehs Aux 30 Wanted riders to share driving ex penses YE 2 1078 BUSINESS man driving Ln Angeles Aug 21 22 lake 2 3 male ride: New 'ar WH 3 1307 vs YOUNG mother urrrntlv nd 500 tn pay debts Will renav $30 per month Box 2732 Plain Dealer YOUNG man will do ny honest work for $100 Single 24 Box 11028 Plain Dealer ADY driving to San rancisco gent 3 4 Take 1 2 ladr riders A alcon CE 1 2420 eve I YOU witnewd glr! hit by car it Euclid Shaw Tus Aus 13 1 Please contact 1 4387 WANTED Hillbilly band wckend Saddle Inn Tavern BE 2 9718 or 232 0743 Contact Ed ARTIST SUPERVISOR: RETAIL EX PERIENCE EXCELLENT OPPORTU NITY MUST BE THOROUGHLY EX PERIENCED IN SUPERVISION AND PERORMANCE ALL THAMES OSET PRINTING ART PRODUC TION MUST KNOW TYPE LAYOUT COPY INISHED ART AND PASTE UP GOOD UTURE INSURANCE AND PENSION PLAN SALARY $125 TO RIGHT PERSON WHO IS ANX IOUS TO WORK HARD BOX 19326 PL A I DEALER ASSISTANT Dhedor of Sties' wanted by one of the oldest and largest Pet 'V'd manufacturer Must be thoroughly experienced In marketing In ood eld and have personal successful field sales recird Permanent position with excellent salary and extraordinary opportunity for advancement when ability proven WrP Mr urton Hill President: Hill Packing Co Box 143 To peka Kansas Married man needed to hlp In my sale buslne $105 week ly guaranteed with periodic increases rr and references neccaiy AC 1 2933 Interview Assistant Manager Rceivins and shipping divi sion Center city department store intereted in experi enced assistant manager in receiving and marking oper ation good starting salary opporutnitie unlimited: many other benefits 3 PO crocheted baby sets Handmade MADE TO ORDER VU 3 5063 Box 6928 Plain Dealer MAKE CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE HEA RT UND APPROVED DRIVING SCHOOL SAE WAY SU 1 4444 fALLOUT jhelter built by masonry contractor EK 2 6678 THROW away your alarm Call Rose Op Service WO 1 7419 TREE TOYS AND GITS Plan your toy party now CL 1 7105 AMATEUR actors interested In form theater group 831 3354 ATTY A OSUNA BOX 1616 Tljtiana Baja Cf a Mexico TELEPHONE man Mika call riend RA 1 1217 PLEASE CALL ANDY Automatic Screw Machine Man needed who can at up or opera! Nw Britain auto matic Day shift Apply in person Delkcr Mfg Inc 1844 Columbus Rd AUTO BODY AND ENDER man 1H class rages ED 3 2412 20 Help AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Experienced reliable married no phone Calls BEST REBUILT CO 4677 STATE ROAD Attorney Claims Due to promotions and ex pansion opening available for individual who lias ex perience in the investigation and negotiation of bodily in jury claims Will also con sider individual with some legal training plus experience Company car furnished Out standing company benefits Salary open Please forward resume to Box 12232 blain Dealer ATTORNEY to to yrs to do family counseling within a lgal setting: state quahfica ftons salary etc to Box 27S37 Plain Dealer Auto Mechanic are looking for a lop flight man with Pontiac experience inest work ing conditions In fast growmg Shaker Heights shop Apply in person io Mr Letlerle No pnone calls please EDER PONTIAC 382 O1 Heights Automotive Machinist Experienced" capable of machine opera tions pcrtainlns to lebuilding of car truck industrial and dehel engines Aberdeen Motor Supply Co 2022 EJ6 UT 2 2323 "AUTO SALESMAN Room for 1 more High caliber expe rienced new and ucd car salesman Salary commission plux incen tlvex and fringe benefits See Bill Meister rank Nero Mercury BROADWAY AUTOMOBILEsalesman: Need one man with experitme only No phone calls West Side Pontiac ll50l De troit Lakewood "AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN Central Chevrolet young giei'ive sales force needs 2 more mn ate one of Cleveland's volume new car dealers and our business been so gwd we want to add two men to our force Even If you ae inexperienced in auto mobile selling we can teach you in a short time to be a rood automobile salesman Here iswhat we have to of 'er: 1 Tested and proven 10 sicp selling system that helps yuu make more sales 2 Experienced sales manager who know how train you to sell more cars 3 A young aggressive dealer who wants to sell a vol ume of cars 4 2 weeks vacation with pay 6 Life insurance 6j Health and accident insur anc 7 A new car on a bash that costs you nothing 5 The best pay plan tn the ciy with weekly and monthly incentive contents To join our sales force you should but years of education are nut important you should be 22 to 40 years old and it will heli? it you are married you must be bondable friendly and have a good ap pearance You should be aware that wh It is fun to ca's and you ran mak gxjd money you hav to wars hard and tt hours ae lung We guarantee you 5 300 a month while you are learning the burners you would like to about job cm in and a for GORDON LAMBERT or CARL WIGAND HUGH ClBSON'S Central Chevrolet Inc Euclid at 70th 1 6400 Open Mun il eves 9 Auto Salesmen We ve seid advertise for salesmen but with the advent of the 1952 car and expected increase of volume in ljt2 we a in need of 2 good inubue sale iuen We have a (Ichnite advantage for our men ai combination salesmen selling new and iced cm from our shnw nxm are in the lrcest Suburb of Greater Clrve lind Our floor traffic will a mate yju Our compensation Plan lhe must lucuraiive the City you are experienced and looking to make a chan xre in person Jac allotu cr Arnold Simecek Southwest ord 5041 PEARL RD AUTO SALESMEN We need 2 combination new and used car salesmen to complete nur small hard hitting fin Plenty of floor traffic with the brxt pay available Experienced mn preferred but will tai men with a good sale background No phone calla please Ap'Hv to Jim Pryde Dubbs Motors 7710 SUPERIOR AUTOMOBILE NEW CAR SAULS MANAGER Chevrolet located east of Cleveland want aggressive manager to supervls new rar department full details and past records Box 5733 Plain Dealer Auto Service Manager and 1 1 Man Experienced Salary and overwrite Married West Side men preferred Cal! CL 1 0113 JOE ERDELAC THE RAMBLER MAN 16 5 1 5 Lorain BARBER Steady man union wages: apply at once Simms Barber Sh'p 10 SUte Pajnesville BARBER EXP 5150 BROADV UU RD ON 1 1441 3ARCER A Steady BAY BERBER bHOP TR 1 3077 TR 6o99 BARBER: steady man good py ap ply 3 06 5 23 BARBERS licensed downtown can make real money AC 6 4 150 BARBER: 5376 Ridge Perms or tel) TU 6 4B41 BARBER: PERI CED 705 Carnegie BARTENDER Exp? Part time rl and Sat nlghu Apply Brrokate Bowlin? Lane: 14 950 Snow Rd E7n unfv ned ap plv rommlwfon of Euclid IV 1 3 til IV 1 7533 BLAST URNACE SUPERVISOR in a New Steel Plant completely integrated Located in one of the Great Lakes states Salary open All replies confidential Send detailed resume to: Box 10232 Plain BODYMAN combination: muM ei rinced full time MI 1 6189 BOOKKEEPER full time of keeping an accrual bavis doub entry of corporate books and preparation of monthly financial aUUmmu Box 232 Plain Dealer (Continaed an Next aa) A 9 4 pl fA 'jol 1 1 ft ft iAdbi if A x' A I Vo A' I.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Views: 6242

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.