The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

3 OILLI PLAIN DEALER. The Counters of the leader of the "fastest" and most fasbionable portion aristocratic society, and a near relLoudon. ative of Lord Palmeraton, is about to marry a rich commoner, Mr. Charles Braudling, of Middicton Hall. An inhuman father residing in Tourdren, one eight, the other four years old, for France, recently sold two of his chil' 325 trance, 25 francs caab, and the balance in merchandise.

He offers another child for girl, price 858 francs. To prevent the frequency of "breach of promise" casce in the English court, a bill will soou be introduced into Parliament, en acting that a promise of marriage, to be beld binding, so that the breach of it shall constitute a ground of action, must be given in and attested by two competent nesses. ungallant editor of a western piper speaks of the "disgusting bulb composed of somebody's hair and her own pincushion, that dir figures the hind head of a modern lady." Several persona in Detroit have been nicely swiudled lately by a dashing young woman who said that she was an Eastern girl by the name of Metcalf, and wag a an heiress to the pretty little sum of $800,000. has turned out that she wasn't any such girl? MATRIMONIAL. WONDERFULLY STRANGE.

MADAME M. H. PERREGAULT, and London, has now per ranently located herself Who has a astonished the scientifc classes of Paris at Albany, N. Madame Perr gault, by the aid of her known as the Horoscope, guarantees to produce a life like picture of of the fatare husband or wife of the patren, together with the date of the marriage, leading traits of character. occupation, etc.

This is no humbug, thousand of testimonials can assert. She will send, whe desired, a written guarentee that the picture is what it purports to be. By stating age, height, complexion, color of eyes and hair, and inclosing 50 cents, and stampod envelope, addressed to yoursell, you will receive the picture ly return mail. Address, Madame H. M.

PARREGAULT, P. O. Drawer 202 Albany, N' Y. BEAUTY Golden, Flexen, and Sill e1 CURLS proinced by the use of Prof. DE FRISER LE CHEVEUX, One ap-1 plication warranted to curl the most straight and stuborn hair ot either sex into wavy ringlets or heavy massive curls.

Has been used by the fashionable: of Paris and Lordon with the most gratifying resalts. Does no injury to the bair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, $1. Descriptive circulars mailed free. Address Berger, Shultz Chemists, Drawer 21, Troy, N.

Role agents for United States. WHISKERS CHES forced to grow upon the 1a' in from three 10 Ave DR. weeks by SEVIGNE'S sirg RESTAURATUER CAPILLAIRE, the most wondcrful disco ery in modern science, acting upon the Beard and Hair In an almost miraculous manner. It has been used by the elite of Paris and London with the most flattering success. Names of all purchasers will be registered, and's entire satiafaction is not given in every i stance, the will be refunded Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, $1 Descriptive circulars and tertimouials malled fras.

Address BERGER, SAULTZ a Chemist, P. O. Drawer 21, N. Y. ye Agen'e for the United States.

CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE 140 WATER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO. WE andour TAKE GREAT trade that we PLEASURE have opened IN a FIRST CLASS STOCK OF Ready Made Clothing, of Manufactured in the latest styles and of all grades Oloths, Cassimeres, Satinets, which we offer to Cash Buyers a', the lowest market prices. Our facilities for manufacturing, and havir a buyer in the Eastern markets constantly, renders our house. 8 ve desirable one for close buyers to purchas: at. Hoping to merit liberal share of your patronage, We are you's very truly, WILLTAMS BROS.

Manufactory, 160 Genesee Street, Utica, N. Y. tep27 TO THE LADIES. TRIUMPH OF ART. Wig Making and Ladies' Hair Dressing Wm.

Day, 46 Public Sauare, Has.all the latest inventions in Wig Work. SEE THE ILLUSION fts to a charm. Just NATURAL RINGLETS.received (direct) a large quantity of this beautiful hair. Ladies picase call, examine and see for yourselves. selected SWITCHES AND BRAIDS -A large and well stock always on hand.

WATERFALLS, BUTTERFLY BOWS, EU. GENE BOWS, and FRENCH HEAD DRESSES, made 2 by the Ladies' advertiser, equal to those imported. own Braids male into any of the above Head Dresses without Injury to switch. LADIES' HAIR DRESSING, CURLING and HAIR CUTTING, done in the latest and most prevalling styles. this brauch of business.

The best of Dye used. HAIR -P attention paid to HOT AND COLD BATHS always ready. The best bathing apartments In the city. GROCERS. A.

S. GORMAN, MANUFACTURERS OF SODA BISCUIT, Boston, Butter Sugar, Pic-Nic and Wine Crackers, Fancy Plain Candies, Gum Drops Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY GROCERIES ALMONDS AND NUTS. -ALSOBrooms, Painted Pails, Mats, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, CORDAGE AND MATCIIES. BALTIMORE OYSTER DEPOT. Nos.

104 and 1'06 Superior aprai CLEVELAND, OHIO. U. 3. MARSHAL'S NOTICE. Northern District of Ohio.

Court, In United States District Admiralty. A LIBEL WAS FILED District Court of the United States of for the October, Northern A. District of Ohio, on the 13th day D. 1845, by Richmond and Sheldon Pease, aguinst the Brig C. P.

Williams, Parin 8008, Master, her Tackle, Apparel and Furniture, a among cause other of collision civil and maritime, alleging things that they are owners of the June, propeller 1865, Fountain City: that on the 5th day of and the said Propeller, while on Lake Huron into on by a the voyage said from Buffalo to Chicago, was run fault of Brig, through the negligence and at the those engaged in navigating the said Brig time of said collision to the damage of libellants $0,926. Said Libel prays for process and decree of said Court agairs: taid Brig C. P. Williams for said mand and that said Brig may be condemned and sold to pay the game. Therefore in pursuance of tho monition.

under the soul of said Court to me dirocted and delivered, I horeby cite and admonish a'l persons interested or to claiming any interest in said Brig, her Tackle, be and appcar in said District Court on the Monday in November next, (if that be a day of diclioh jurisdiction, thereafter,) if not, then on tho next day of jaristo interpose thelr claims and make their allegations A that behalr, Cleveland, Oct. 17th, 1867. WILLET EARL BILL, U.S. Marshal. CARET, Proctors for oct17 2w2tew WATCHES, JEWELRY.

JOHN GOODMAN, WATCH. AND CLOCK MAKER, Jeweler and Silversmith, 266 SUPERIOR ST. CLEVELAND, OHIO. 256 Coral Clocks, Toys, Notions Watches, aud Gold Travelling Pens, Jeweiry, Spoons, Solid Gold Jewelry and Hair Baskets Work for sale. order.

made to thousand With regard seven to his bundred work, he refers to his elgbteenfor Clock and Watch and seventeen customers City Hotel, up to Sept. repairs, 1863. while under. Forest 7th, quickly. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired woll and Tap25-1y MICHIGAN CENTRAL R.

R. LINE. 1865. a 1865. Detroit and Chicago Steamers.


Persons wishing to ship Freight or take Passage. to SAGINAW CITY, PORT AUSTIN, SAGINAW, WILLOW CREEK, BAY CITY. NEW RIVER, ALARASTER, TAWAS CITY, ALPENA, SABLE RIVER, WILL TAKE THE STEAMER City of Cleveland, WM. MoKAY, CAPTAIN, At Cleveland, on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday evenings; They will connect next Monday at Detroit with Ward's line of steamers, FOREST QUEEN or SUSAN WARD, direct for Saginaw. Freight contracted through at lowest rates.

E- Tickets can be procured at the office of the Michigan Central R. R. Line, River Street aDr2 L. A. PIERCE, Agent.

During the season one of the above Boats will the leave arrival Cleveland of the every evening (Sundays accepted) on evening trains, connecting the next morning at Detroit with the Michigan Central Railroad, FOR JACKSON, MARSHALL, KALAMAZOO, NILES, CHICAGO, BURLINGTON, QUINCY, FUN DU LAC, LA CROSSE. PRAIRIE DU. CHIEN, ST. JOSEPH AND IOWA CITY. Also, with Steamers for SAGINAW and the DE TROLL AND MILWAUKEE RAILROAD.

Freights contracted through to the above named points at the lowest possible rates. FARE ONE DOLLAR LESS THAN BY ALL RAIL ROUTES. Detroit Passengers by taking this Route save 178 miles Railroad Travel. Tickets can be obtained at all the principle Offices, also at the office of the Line on the Dock. L.

A. PIERCE, General Agents, Cleveland, Ohio. KEITH CARTER, Agents, Detroit. ap26 1865. 1865.

GIFT DISTRIBUTION. ae, $4U; Dr Sinclair, No 4 Main St, Utica, NY, Framed Engraving, value Hon Luther Deimold Wastington, Oil Painting, value $100. Letters from various parties throughout the country acknowledging the receipt of very valuable gifts, may be seen on file at our office. To be sold for One Dollar Each. Without regard to value, and not to be paid for autil you know what you will receive EACH.

50 Elegaut Hosew'd Piauos worth $250 to 500 50 Melodeous, Rosewood ...125 to 223 Pine Oil .25 to 100 100 Gold Hunting Case 0 150 150 Diamond .50 to 2.0 250 Ladies' Gold 60 to 85 450 Silver Watch 25 to 50 200 Fine Steel Framed to 25 100 Music ...12 to 45 100 Silver Revolving Patent 40 100 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets. .15 to 35 500 Hets Silver Tea ano Table 15 to 30 2,500 Vest and Neck .....5 0 25 2,600 Ladies' Porte ..8 to 15 3.000 Silver Butter .3 7 2,050 Pairs Bar Kings, (new to 6 Gold Pencils and Tooth to 8 3,000 Onyx and Amethyst Brooches. to 10 8,000 Lava and A F.orentine Brooches. to 6 1,000 Masonic .4 to 6,50 2,000 Fine Gold Wutch 8,50 to 6,50 5,000 Children's .2,50 8 2,500 Sets of Bosom ..1,50 to 5 2,500 Ecamled Sleeve Battons. 2,50 to 10 10,000 Plain Gold and Chased to 5 5,000 Stone Set and Heal Rigs.

.2,50 to 10 5,000 Lockets, all 2 to 7 10,000 Sets of Ladies' 8 to 20 4,000 Watch Charms (each) to 5,50) Gold Pens, Silver Ex 4 to 6 5,000 Gent's Breast and Scurf 3 to 20 2,00. Ladies' New Style Belt .4 to 6,50 2,000 Chatelaine and Guird Chains. ...6 to 20 1,000 Gold 7 to 14 2,000 Sets Ladies' Jet and .10 to 20 10,000 Go'd .1 to 6 6,000 Oval Band .6 to 20 4,000 Chased 5 to 16 9,::00 Ball Eardrope, all colors. .8 to 6 5,000 Fine Gold to 3,50 2,000 New Style Jet and Gold Eardrops 3 007 2,500 New Style Long Crystal to 8 2,000 Gold Pens ....8 to 6 A CHANCE TO OBTAIN ANY OF THE ABOVE ARTICLES FOR ONE DOLLAR BY PURCHASING A SEALED ENVELOPE FOR 25 CENTS. Five Sealed Envelopes will bo sent for Eleven for Thirty for Sixty-Ave for ED One Hundred for $15,00.

AGENTS WANTEVEERY WHERE. Our patrons are desired to send United States money when it is convenient. Long letters are unnecessary. case Orders for SEALED ENVELOPES must in every be accompanied by the CABI, with the name of the plainly rerson written. sending, and Town, County and State the Managers, Letters should be addressed to as fol ows: GOODWIN, HUNT 3m Box 5,106 Post Office, New York.

sep 7 de GREAT DISTRIBUTION RY THE EUREKA GIFT ASSOCIATION. ESTABLISHED IN 1846. 180 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Rosewood Pianos, Melodeons, Fine Oil Paintings, Engravings, Silver Ware, Fine Gold and Silver Watches, Diamond Pins, Diamond Rings, Gold Brecelets, Coral Florentine, Mosaic, Jet, Lava and Cameo Ladies' Sets, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver Extension Holders, Sleeve Buttons, Sets of Studs, Vest and Neck Chains, Gold Rings, valued at 3. $1.000,000.

certificates, DISTRIDUTION is made in the followirg manner: naming each articlean its value, are placedia sealed envelopes wh'ch are well mixed. One of these envelopes, containing the Certificate or Order for some Articie, will de delivered at'our oficy or scut by mail to any address, without regard to choice, on receipt of 25 cents. Un receiving the Certificate the purchaser will see what Article it draws, aud its vaue, and can then send ONE DOLLAR and receive the Article named, or can cu oose ANY OTHER one article on our List of the same value. Purchasers of our SEALED ENVELOPES, may, in this munrer, obtain an Article WORTH FROM ONE TO FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS, FOR ONE DOLLAR which they necd not pay until it is known what is drawn: nd its value Entire Satisfaction Guarantecd in all cases. THE EUREKA GIFT ASSOCIATION would call attention 10 the fact of its being the Original and Lurgest Gift Association in the couptry.

We are therefore enabled to send INER GOODS and give better chances to obtain the more valuable than any other establishment of the kiad. The bainees continues to be conducted in a fair and ho: arable, and a large and greatly increasing tradeis proof that our patrons appreciate this matnod of rich and elegant During the past year tuis As ciation bag sent a very large number valuable prizes to all parts of the country. Those who patronize us will eeeive the full value ot their money, no article on cur ist is wortt less than OLe Dollar, retail, and trere are no Pa ties vealing with us may depend on baving promp: returns, and the article drawn will be immediately sent to uny by return mail or eipress. The following parties bave recently drawn valusble prizes from the Eureka Association and have kindly allowed the use of their uames, many other names might be published were we Wilson, Custom House, Philadelphia, Pa, Oil Painting, value $100; Jumcs Hargraves, 821 Broadway, New York, Oil Painting. value $100; Junes, Barrett, Marshall Co, Kansas, Melodeon, value $200; Patrick J.

Barnes; Waterbury Ct. Gold Watch, value, $125; Shaw, 224 East 24th Street, New York, Piano, value, $350; Mrs Chas Nevis, Elmira, NY, Value Ming Lucy Janeway, Elmira. Cluster Diamond Ring, valne $200; Mrs Pennoyer, City Hotel, Nashville, Teun. Melodeon, value $125; Oscar Allen, Co 142d Reg Ind Vols, Na-hville, Tena, Watch, value $85; Rowland Patterson, Co 10th Iowa Vet Voluatee.s, Oil Pair ting, va ue, $100; Mrs Abbey Parsons, Springfeld, Mass, Melodeon, value $150; Jas Dexter, City Surveyor, Syracuse, Goid waten value $150; Mrs James Ety, 177 Wooster St, corner Blenker, oil Painting value $100; Mrs J. Coles, Grand da, Mich gAD, Silver Caster, Val- INSURANCE.

L. HUDSON, General Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Agent, Office, Ovintt's Exchange, Foot of Superior Street, CLEVELAND, Represents the following Companies: Buckeye (Fire and Mutual Ins. Cleveland, ASSETS. Norwich Fire Ins. Marine) Co, Norwich, $245.143 00 425,214 00 North Western Oswego, N.

240,778 00 New Market York Fire Life 4 6 New 3,658,755 00 Fulton Fire 594,991 00 414,729 Phonix Marine Insulance Co. of Brooklyn, cash 1,000,000 Losses promptly adjusted and paid Particular attention given to the adjustment of Marine Losses. L. D. C.

A. GARDNER, Agent and Adjuster Marine Inspector. p25-y. -FIELD AND sep 80 A. G.

RETTBERG, AMERICAN LIFE BITTERS. Dyspepsia and Consumption. A POSITIVE CURE AT IL ER'S AMBRICAN LIFE BITTERS. THIS Dyspepsia, GREAT AND Consumption, POPULAR and a'l (Ua. diseases arising from disordered stomach and bowels.

has proved a complete success, as thousands can testify. NATURE'S OWN AGRNT-SIMPLE, PROMPT AND RELIABLE--AN AMERICAN REMEDY LOR THE GREAT AND OLD will strength increased -life CAN DISEA: E. presented -die ease removed MARRIED LADIES, sulering from exhausting: and the cobility resulting therefrom, will And great immediate EMINENT Tonic. reliel PHYSICIANS and now permaneut recommend beneft it from where this 8 stimulant is required, to give tone and vigor to the system. MANY CLERGYMEN say it has saved them years of stffering.

DELICATE LADIES have to'd as that it has given the vigor, strength, and new enjoyment of life. THEES use it instead of Cordials, Soothing Syrups, and other deadly preparations of Opium. STOMACH AND bOWELS. -Use there Bitters and give healthy action the s'omach and regulate the bowels, and all is well. Let the source be pure: THIS WONDERFUL PREPARATION will cure Consumption, Billious Colic, Chronic.

Diarrhea, Liver Complaints, Throat Diseases, Rhcuma1ism, Pains in the Chest, Hour Stomach, Costiveness, want of Appetite. and all diseases of debility and weakness. This Great Remedyis now manufactured by P. E. ILER, Timn, 0.

Sold by Druggists every where. COSTAR VERMIN 1865. 1865 "18 years established in N. I Jity," "Only infa lible remedy "Free from "Not dangerous out of to the their Human holes to Fam come "Oostar's" Rat Roach, Exter's Is a paste-used for Rats, Mice, Roaches; Black Red Ants, "Costar's" Bed-Bug Exterminator Is a liquid or wash, used to destroy, and also as a preventive for Bed-Bugs, Costar's' Electric Powder for Insects Is for Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bed Bugs, Insects on Fowls, Animal, Sold by Druggists and Retailers everywhere. 111 BEWARE all worthless imitations See that "COSTER's" name is on each Box, Bottie and Flask, before you buy.

HENRY R. COSTAR. PRINOIPAL DEPOT, 182 BEOADWAY, Y. Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists in Cleveland, Ohio 1865. INCREASE OF RATS.

-The Farmer': Gasette (English) asserte and proves by figures that one pair rats will have a progeny and descendants no less than 651,050 in three years. Now, unless this immense family can be kept down, they woul consume more food than would sustain 65,000 human beings. See "COSTAR's" advertisem*nt in this paper, 1865. RATS vErsuS Whoever engages in shoot ing small birds is 8 cruel man; whoever aids in exterminating rats is a benefactor. We should like some of our correspondents to give us the beneft of their expo.

ience in driving out these pests. needs omething besides dogs, cats, and traps for this American, N. Y. See adVertisem*nt in this paper, 1865. "COSTAR'S" is simple, safe, and sure, -the n.ost perfect RAT-ifcation mecting we have ever attended.

Every Rat that can act it, properly prepared according to directione, will eatit, and every one that eats it will die, generally ut some place ay distant as possible from where the medicine was taken. Lake Shore, Mirror. See advertisem*nt in this paper. 1865. HOUSEKEEPERS troubled with vermin need be 80 no longer, if they use 'COSTAR's" Exterminator.

We have used it to our satisfaation; and dit a box cost $5, we would hav. it. We bave tried poisons, but they effected nothing; but "Costar's" article knocks the breath out of Kate, Mice, Reaches, and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the Ohio, Gazette. See "COSTAR's" advertisem*nt 1865.

1865. A VOICE FROM THE FAR of "COSTAR's" Rat, Roach, grain and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant County by vermin than would pay for tous of this Rat and Insect Herald. See "COSTAR's" advertisem*nt in this paper. ran 1865. AND HOUSEKEEPERS should recollect that hundreds of dollars' worth of Grain, Provisions, are annually destroyed by Rats, Mice, Ants, and other insects and vermin-ali of which can be prevented by a few dollar's worth of Rat, Roach, Exterminator, bought and used ireely.

See advertisem*ntin this paper. BENTON DUNHAM, STRONG ARMSTRONG. CHURCHILL BROTHERS, G. W. CLARK, Wholesale aud Retail agents, and by all Druggists and Dealers in nd.

An251 Is Lack son Herbert far, Greatest Medical Circular (15) 3 letter Erer Fifteen pages Published! Ta for large two cent stamps. DRS. Proprietors JACKSON, National HERBERT Dispensary, established at Cincinnati, Ohio, January 1, 1860, cure all privato diseases with unexampled rapidity, We guarantee to cure Gleet, Sypbills, Impotency, Nocturnal Emissions, or Self-Abuse, Diurnal 1 Emissions, Female Complaints, in short, every possible form and variety of Sexular Disease. Cures rapid, thorough and permanent. and fees moderate Serd for our Circular-fifteen large 8 in.

by 11 in. letter pages, of varied, valuable and interesting matter, Also, 8 Circular intended for Ladies Many of our patients assert they have seut money to Doctors in Hastern Cities ana received no retura. Then why no patronize home talent--men who know the Western climate and can effect splendid cures. Dr. Jackson's Female per box-send Circular.

Special written Replies, well sealed, sent with Circular without charge. One of the cheapest, most interesting and important books every rubLshed. d. 300 pages, 100 engravings, The Mountain of Light, or Medical Protector a ad Marriage Guide, and an Explicit Key to Love and Beauty." ItSAT. ISFACTORILY reveals various subjects never be lish fore fully explained Price in 50 any cents popular and one work in the Eug3 cent stamp, or three for and three 3 cent stamps.

Fully described in Circular, which every young man should have, whether sick or well. Medicines and instructions sent promptly to any part of the country, Consulting Rooms of the Dispousary, No. 167 Sycamore street. P. O.

Box, No. 436. DR. JACKSON'S ORIENTAL LINIMENT. Removes all coldness, and rejuvenates organs which bave lain dormaut for many years.

It will cure any case of impotency, create and increase the passions for any reasonable time. Can be mailed with perfect safety. Frice 82 per bottle. It is perfecity gato never falls to give satisfac DR. JACKSON'S FRENCH LATENT MALE SAFE tion.

D. It is the only cure and safe preventative against $4 per contracting balf dozen, disease and ever $7 invented. Price $1 per dozen, sent by mail 1n4-1y CAUTION. A 8 ING MY has left WIFE my CHRISTIANA just DRESS. cause, I warn everybody, not to board or trust her on my account as I will not pay any debts of her contracting.

Cleveland, Oct. 12th, 1865 oc13-35 CH. DRESSING NOTICE. NOTICE undersigned OF ADMINISTRATION- Admin. istrator of the Estate of L.

Dudley, Cleveland, Oet. W. S. DON 3. 1865," oct1-3w A.


CLEVELAND, OHIO, WHEELER WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES, AWARDED THE HIGHEST PREMIUM AT THE WORLD'S FAIR, IN LONDON, ENGLAND, WHERE ALL THE MACHINES OF EUROPE AMERICA were in competition; also at The Industrial Exhibition, PARIS, FRANCE, At the late Ohio State Fair, ALSO AT EVERY UNITED STATES FAIR At which Sewing Machines have been exhibited, In ad 'ition to awards of the high st authority. we have the testimonials of most inte ligent and influential manufacturers, and professional seamstresses in all parts of the United States, Europe. British America, West Indies, Central and South America, Turkey, India, China, and Japan. Sales far exceeding those of any other Sewing Machinein Wheeler the world Wilson attest the value and celeb ity of Machine; whi'e, as regards neatness and elegance in the finieh, and the perfection and durability ofits mechanism, this machine 19 unequalled by any in the market. All Machines Warranted Three Years.

PRINCIPAL OFFICES: 205 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Cor. Woodward and Jefferson Avenues, Detroit. 151 Summit Street, Toledo oc14-3m WEST COMLY. IRON--NAILS.

IRON NAIL WAREHOUSES, Nos. 61, 63, 65 67 CLEVELAND, Nos. 9,, 96, 97 RIVER STREET. 0810. 98 on the Dock MORRISON FOSTER, Wholesale Agency for the sale of Shoenberger's Juniata Nails, Hammer Juniata Horse Saeet Shoes, Iron, Shoenberger's Shoenberger's Com R.

G. Sheets, made from Juviata Iron, Shoenberger's Juniata Boiler Plate, Juniata Nuts. quare and Hexagon, Also, Bar Iron, Window Glass, Extra Berea Grindstones. at Manufacturer Prices. ap29 IRON AND NAILS.

Cleveland, Brown Nos. 29 and 31 Merwin Street, (SEXTON'S BLOCK), H. CLEVELAND, BROWN, BONNELL 00.. Cleveland, Youngstowa, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Nails, Cut and Wrought Spikes, Hot and Cold Pressed Nuts and Washers CAST AND SPRING STEEL, GLASS, Iron Dealers, Railroad and Mining Companiee, Ship and Bridge Builders, Machinists and Manufac turers, who desire a quality of Iron that will give en tire satisfaction, are respectfully solicited to favor as with their orders, which shall always command our careful and prompt attention, Refer to Business Men and Bankers generally. 8 Manufactured by the PITTSBURGH CITY GLASS WORKS, For Sale by CLEVELAND, BROWN CO.

my15 Sexton's Block, Merwin OCEAN NAVIGATION. TEAM FROM QUEENS TOWN and LIVERPOOL. The a drst-class powerful Iron Steamships of the National Steam Navigation Company, SHIP. TUNS, COMMANDERS. QUEEN (now ENGLAND, now building).

SCOTLAND (nOW ERIN. .......8 310 Grace Prowse PENNSYLVAI Grogan 2,876.. 2,166... Lewis Leaving pier No. 57, North River as follows: Ratcs of passage to Queenstown or Liverpool, CABIN $76; STEERAGE $30 payable in gold or Its equivalent in currency.

These steamers are intended to sail weekly to an from Liverpool, touching at Queenstown, Cork ba bor. Passengers forwarded to Paris and al German ports at very low rates. For passage apply to WILLIAMS QUION, 40 Fulton street, New York, or to J. HERDMAN, At the Banking House and Wright Brother, 90 Superio street, Cleveland, O. N.

B. -Agents for the Old Black Star Line of Livspool Packets. Sight drafts on Great Brittain and Ireland. ap26-1y Reputation Established! firs. S.

1. Allen is truly a public benefactress, and her. wonderful success is unprecedented. Her fame and her discoveries have gone abroad, and to day she is in her line the largest manufacturess in the world. Everybody Interested.

Youth and old age are alike benefited by the use of Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's Hair Restorer and Hair Dressing. Theyact directly upon the roots of the hair, causing luxuriant growth and beauty.

Your hair, if changed to grey or white by sickness or other causes, will soon be restor. ed to its natural color and beauty. Dandruff eradicated forever. The Hair falling delicate stopped. The most, head -dress or net can be worn without fear of soiling.

The most delightful fragrance to the hair is If you wish to restore your hair, as in youth, and retain it through life, without delay purchase a bottle of Mrs. S. A. Allen's World's Hair Restorer and Dressing. Sold by Druggists throughout the World.


G. RETTBERG. tc12 'DIVORCE. Ann it VS, Action for Divorce. William M.

M. HODGMAN, A Conn RESIDENT Blocmiogd Van Buren Michigan, 19 berety notitied that his wife. Anu Hodgman, did on the 9. day or October, 1865, file her petition in the office of the Clerk the Court of Common Ple of Cayaboga County, Obio, charging the said William M. llodgman with extreme uelty towards the said Ann Hogman, and also coa ging the sei William M.

Hodgman with gro' neglect of du' toward the eid Ann Hodgman, and that sho may be divorced from the sud William M. Hodgman; which petetion will stand for bearing at the next term cf sald Court, C. W. C. W.

NOBLE, c9 Attv'a CONSTABLE SALE. CONSTABLE'S SALE. BY VIRTUE executions I have levied shall expose for tole at public vendue, according to law, at the Canal Basin, In this city, on Friday, 'he 21et day of October, A. D. 1865, between the hours of 1) A.

M. and 4 P. of said day the fo described property, to wit: The canal boat Empress and her apparel, and two horses and harnesses. C. C.

STEVENS, Constable. Cleveland. Oct. 11th. octi1-10t LEGAL NOTICE, OLCOTT, OF THE CITY Bafalo, -in the State of New York, is hereby notified that Ellen Olcott did on the ninth day of October, A.

D. fil her petiticn in the ou'ce of the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas within and for. the county cf Cuyahoga and Sta'e of Ohio, and charging the said Mellon Olcott with neg.ect of duty towards the said Ellen and also charging the said Mellon 01- cott with willful absence from the said Ellen Olcott for more than three years last past, and asking that she may be divorced from the said Mellon Olcott. which petition will stand for hearing at the next term of said Court. ELLEN OLCOTT, By R.

E. KNIGHT, her Attorney. October 10, 1865. oct10-6w DIVORCE NOTICE. The State of Ohio, In Court of Common Fleas Cuyaboga County, for said county.

Harriet Frances Norton, PI'f, V8. in Divorce. William Norton, Deft. THE Nortoa, a DEFENDANT, of the city of WILLIAM Utica in the R. State of New York will take that on the 22d day of August, 1865, the said plaintiff filed her pet tion in said Court, charging the said defendant wi extreme cruelty toward her, end asking for a Decree of Divorce from said defendant on that ground Said case will be for hearing at the next civil term of said court to be bolden at Cleveland on the 13th day of November, 1865 The defer dant will als take notice that Depositions will be taken on the part of the plaintitr in the above entitled case at the office of the County Clerk of Oneida county, in the city of Utica, New York, on the 28th of September, 1865, and on Thursday, October 12th, 1865.

between 9 o'clock d. M. and 8 o'clock P. on e. lo days, and 10 continue from day to day from each of said days till said depositions shall be completed GRANNIS, Attorney for Plaintiff.

September 5, 1865. sep5-6w Court of Common Pleas, Cuahoga County, Ohio. Petition for Divorce W.lliam A. Bruner, VS. Julia E.

THE DEFENDANT, JULIA A. BRUof Common Pleas aforesaid, praying for the dissoluliam A. Bruner, on the 13th I day of July, A. D. 1865, NER, will take notice that the Flaintif, Wil.

filed his petition in toe Clerk's Office of the Court tion of the marriage contract existing between said parti g. Cause y. Said (s. use will be for hearirg at the November term (1865) of Said Court. LIAM A BRU.

ER, sepS-6w Ey his Att'y PIERRE A. GOLLIER. State Cuyahcg: of Obio, County 85. In Court of Common P.tas. Learti: B.

P. ge, VE. Petition for Divorce. Rachael Page, THE DEFENDANT, RACHAEL PAGE reeident Macon, Macon Couuty, in the State of) linois, will take notice that on the 20th day of September, A. D.

the his putition in the office of the Clerk of said Court, charsing the Raid Rachael Page with adultery with ns unknown to the PLaintiff, and asking that he may be divorced from said Defendaut, which petition wil stand for 1. earing at the next term of said Court, to be bolden on the lath day of November, 1855. 5 B. PAGE, by' J. GRANNIS, his At Cleveland, Sep'.

NOTICE. BERRY THOMPSON IS NOTIFIED that Martha Thompson did on the 23th day of September D. 186. tie her letition in the office of the Cierk of the Court of Common Peas within and for the county of Cuyahoga and state of Ohio toe said Berry Thompson with will fol absence from the said Martha Thompson for lect more than three years last past, and with gross negof daty during all said tin.e, and asking that she may be divorced from the said Berry Thompson and restored to her former name, whica petition will stand for hearing at the next term of said Court. 'The said Berry Thompson will also take notice that depositions iu this will be taken on the part sheriff o' of the the said county petitioner of at Brat, the iu office of Brautford, John Smith Propince of Canada, on the 24b day of October 1865, be tween the hours of 9 A.

M. and 9 P. and also at the National Exchange Balk in the City of Rich. nond, Virginia, on the 31st day of October 1 65, be tween the hours of 9. A.

M. and 9 P. M. MARTUA THOMPSON, By WILLEY CARY, her Attcrneys. Dated Cleveland.

Sent. 23 1865 -ep28 Ow ADMINISTRATOR'8 SALE. A DMINISTRATOR'S Probate Court SALE. -BY coun- ty the following property will be offered at public auction on the premises, South Bass Island, on Friduy, the 27th day of October, at 12 o'clock cribed as follows, to wit Lying on the South side of the Insin part of South Bass Island, commencing at a stake in the center of a contemplated road, called Dietrict Road No 1, where a sweet oak 16, North 57, thence South 40, west along the center of said road 14 rods and 10 Jinks to a cedar stake; thence south- easterly 27 chains and 40 links to said a stake on the Lake shore, thence easterly along Lake shore to a line parallel to the last nameu where a stabe gtai de; thence northerly 26 cbains taining and ten 2. (10) links, acres, to the place ol beginning, cozand is appraised at four thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.) Tte above laud is beauufally situated and all cultivated but abouttwo acres, which is timber land.

The ground is well adapted to Grapes. There are two vineyards on one side. A.S HANFORD, Administra se30-td of the Estate of J. W. Gray, deceased.

DMINISTRATOR'S SALE -BY ORDER of the Probate Court, I will sell at Pablic auction on the premises on THURSDAY, THE 2d DAY OF NOVEMBER. 1865, at to 2 wit: o'clock Part P. of the following described property, original lot -number 206, and is bounded as lollowe: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of Superior street, with the easterly line of Vineyard street; thence south 34 K. one foot and oleven inches to the angle in the easterly line of suid Vineyard street; and south 1) deg, West, along said line 65 feet and one one-'ourta inches to the southerly end ot the Arcade Buildings (so-called) thence south 73 deg E. at right augles with Vim yard st eet 43 feet and 5 ricr inches: the ce south 56 deg.

E. parallel with at right 17 feet 2 inches; toence north 84 deg. argles with Superior street 78 feet and thence inches south to 56 the south line of said Superior street; inches deg. W. along said south line six as the to he p.are of beginning, and is known conditions, Plain Dealer Buil ings with the followhis Heirs, Executors tuat is to say; The said Gray, and Administrators is to bave the right to use in common with the adjoining Administrators proprietor, and Orlando Cu ter, his successors, easterly Assign, of six inches of land next acjoining the casterly line of said bis premises, suc to be used in common with said Cutter, Administrators or Assigas, tor the purpose a party wall, end the raid Orlando Cutthe ver, his right successor, Administrators and Assigns has Administrators in common with said Gray, his uccessors, west of and next and Assigns of six inches of ground adjoining the easterly line of the premises first above described, for the purpose of a party wall, the premises above described being the same Atwater premiees described in a deed from George M.

and wife to Joseph W. Gray, recorded in Cuyahoga Records, vol. 61, pages 01-2 and 8, be the same ore or lesa. 1866, at Possession which wilbe time given on the first day of May, will be one-half of the purchase money req rod, the balance. in four months from May 1st.

1866 or, possession will be given on the day 1861. of sale, subject to the Leases to expire May 1st, and the interest of the payments allowed the down, purchaser, which wiil then be required to be paid one-half the purchase and the balance in six cared months, at the option of the beyer. Notes seto the satiefaction of the Adm nistrator. Adpraised $8,000. A.

S. SANFORD. Administrator on the estate ofJ. W. Gray, deceased.

LAND SCRIP. Public FOR SALE. COLUMBUS, Oct. 1, 1865. IN VISIONS of ACCORDANCE an act of the WITH General THE Assembly PROof the State of Ohio, passed April 13, 1865, the undersigned State will receive proposals for the purchase of the land scrip reccived from the United States for the establishment of an Agricultcral College, or Colleges, in the State of Ohio.

THE SCRIP CAN BE LOCATED ON ANY VACANT UNITED STATES LANDS SUBJECT TO ENTRY AT SALE AT $1,25 PER (MINERAL LANDS EXCLUDED.) No proposition will be received for less than one hundred and sixty acres. If more convenient, prop sals may be made to the Auditor and Treasurer of any County, who will transmit the same to the undersigned. JAS. H. GODMAN Auditor of State.

WM. HOOPER, Treasury ofState. sep30.2m• WM. HENRY ITH, Secretary State. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.

NOTICE -NOTICE undersigned IS has HEREBY this day GIV. been duly appointed qualified as Administrator on the estate of George Rakel late of leveland. Cuyaboga County, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to pay the same to the undersigned, and persons having any claims against said estate are hereby to file the same with the undersigned for collection. Cleveland, Sept.

27, 1865. DANIELSTEPHAN; Administrator of George Rakel, deceased. 2. DE SEELY LIQUID CATARRH REMEDY Will cure CATARRH; Will cure COLD IN THE HEAD; Will cure an OFFENSIVE BREATH; Will cure PAIN IN THE Will cure ULCERATION in the NOSE Will restore the SENSE of HEARING; Will restore the SENSE of SMELL; Will restore the SENSE of SIGHT; Will restore the SENSE of TASTE; WILL RESTORE THE VOICE; When Caused by. Catarrh.

Catarrh Snuff an Injurv, Astis now admitted by all informed, causing tion and inflammation of the mucous membrane, while the Liquid Catarrh Remedy Gently and gradually removes all unnatual incrusta' tions and deposits, restoring the diseased membrane to its normal condition. A Single Bottle will Last a Month--To be Used Three Times a CURE WARRANTED IF DIRECTIONS ARE FOLLOWED. CALL FOR A CIRCULAR DESCRIBING ALL SYMPTOMS. DR. D.


AND FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, ap25-1y CHEROKEEPILLS. i CHANGE OF TIME. OCTOBER 8th, 1865. Atlantic Great THE Western The Only TO Unbroken EASTERN Broad C. Railway Rout Atlantic and Great LEAVE Western Cleveland TRAINS Day A.

Depot: Night Arrive in New P.M. 1:00 P.M. Arrive in New York TRAINS ARRIVE at Cleveland York 10:30 P. Trains for Youngstown leave Cleveand ......9.5 P.M. A.M.

Arrive at and Cleveland at 6:40 Thin is the only MI. acd 6:50 Direct Route to P.M. Regions of Penneylvania. the 0 at Meadville Passergers and by teke the 9.20 Sleeping A. M.

Express Passengers by the M. Express Salamanca, The Sleeping at C.oveland, get Saturday Night night. All leaves other Sunday trains daily, night Sunday instead of cepted. Connects ex and all at Meadyille for Oil vania. Regists of Penney.

rry, points in the Oil Frankie, minutes), Pa-sengers by regular this hours, route tor bave meals, ple and time connections. make sure all New Night and Trains. elegant Sleeping Coaches are attached yo please apply F.r all at the information of and the Through Western Railway, or at the Union Atlantic under the Weddell House. Ticket Once directions at the will above call for oflces. Passengers by Omniousses leaving E.

F. FULLER, Gen's I. Ticket McLAREN, Gen' sep) CLEVELAND TOLEDO R. FALL ARRANGEMENT. On and after Monday, Sept run daily as follows, (Sundays excepted.) Trains 8:00 A.

M. Chicago Oberlin, Express, Norwalk, at Berea, Goal and arrives Clyde, Toledo Fremont 12:40 Elmore, Bellevue, Monroe Chicago 11:00 P. Detroit 5:30 P.M. are 2:40 P. RI.

Western Mail, stops all P.M. Toledo Southern Division, and arrive: Station al and Detroit at 10:30 P. Chicago 5:45 M. Northern Northera Division. etops and at all stations 4:80 P.

M. dusky at 7:10 P.M, arrives 10:00 P.M. Telegraph and Express, Fremont, stope at Toledo 2:00 A. Chicago and at 12:30 arrivesal and al 6:00 A.M. P.

dusky, Mansfeld Newark Railroad; at Clyde with Sac. Connections are made at Monroenie with Sandusky, Fremont Dayton Indiana Cinc naati Railroad and as Fremon with the Michigan Southern Northern at Indices Toleuc the Toledo Walash Chicago, art Alton, Jackson, St. Fort Louis, Wayne, and all Logansport, West, Calro, Detroit, Southwest. Northwest West 9:20 A. arrivein 2:2 Cleveland from Toledo Bal Trains and 8:40 P.

M. Tre LA Sandusky 9:10 A. M. L. D.

Cleveland, Setp. 18 Superintendent CLEVELAND, CINNATI COLUMBUS AND CIA RAILROAD. SUMMER. ARRANGEMENT. Trains On and after leave MONDAY, Aug.

7th, 805, Cleveland as follows: Passenge: 1st ping at A Grafion, Cincinnati Express, stop Wellingion, New Lot Cardington, Shelby, Ashley, restliue, Galion, Giles, and Delaware, Lent Worthington. 2d TRAIN- all 2:45 station P. Accommodation, stops si P. Cincinnati, arriving at Columous 5:50 8:50 A. 3d at P.

Grafton, Night Wellington, atopping Shelby, Crestline, New London, dington and Galion, Gilead, Ca: Delaware. Trains leave Columbus, at 3:40 A. 10:25 A. 2:40 M. Trains arrive at Cleveland 9:30 A.

M. 3:00 P. 8:00 M. CONNECTIONS. Shelby, Sandusky, Newark Railroad for Mansield, Mt.

Verzon, Newark, Zanes ville, Crestline, roud Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne Chicago Rail for Forcst, Upper Sandusky, Delphos, Lima, Fort Wayne, Lapor Chi cago, weal, aud cast tor Munsfeld, Marsillon, Galion Bellefontaine Railroad Line, for Marion Bellefontaine, Union, Muncie, Terre Haute, Vincennes, Evansville, Louisville, Cairo, St, Louis, Delaware, with springield, Alt. Vernon Pittsburg Railroad for Springfield. Columbus, Little Miami, and Columbus and Xenia Railroads for Xenia. Dayton, Indianapoli8, Terre Haute, St. Louis, Morrow, Loveland, and Ciucinnat, and with the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad at Cinennati for Louisville, Evansvile,, REGULATOR SUGAR-COATED FEMALE FEMALE Insurance of Regularity in the Recurrence of the Monthly They cure or obviate those numerous diseases that spring from irregularity, by removing the irreg.

warity itself. They cure Suppressed, Excessive and Painful Meustration. -They cure Green Sickness (Culorosis). They cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back anp lower part of the body, Heavi ness, Fatigue on slight exertions, Palpitation of the Heart. Lowness of Spir ts, Hysterics, Sick Headache, Giddiness, In a word, by removing the IRREGULARITY they remove the cause, and with it ALL the effects that spring from it.

Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they contain nothing deleterious to any constitution, however delecate, their functions being to substitute they strength for weakness, which, when properly used, never full to do. They may be safely used at any age, andat any period, except when forbidden by directions. All letters seeking information or advice will be promptly, freely and discrectly answered. Full directions accompany each box. Frice $1 per box, or six boxes for $5.

Sent by nail, free of postage, on receipt of price. Pamphlets sent by mail free of postaffe by DR. W. R. MERWIN 63 Liberty New York, Proprieters.

HEALTH CERTAIN AND SAFE. For the REMOVAL OF OBSTRUCTIONS and the DR. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR! OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE! nothing injurious to the most delicate. "As the rises from the ushes of its ern entirely discoveries new in the vegitable kingdom, being an tive of all the and old abatract method of cure, Irrespec and worn ont systeme 2 This method has been tested by the most minent medical men of the day, and by them probounced to be one of the greatest medical discoveries of the age. A few bottle will cure general debility.

does cures Hysterics in females. One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. -From one to three bottles restores the manliness and full vigor of youth. A few doses restores the appetite. tency.

Three bottles cures the worst case of ImpoA One few doses cures the low spirited. Ew bottle restores mental power. A few does brings the rose to the check. robust This health medicine rostores to manly vigor and the poor debi.itated, worn-down and despairing. man of The business, listless, the victim enervated youth, the over-tasked the of nervous depression, FROM individual sutlering from general debility, OR WEEKNESS OF A SINGLE ORGAN, will all Elixir immediate and permanent relief by the use of this or Essence of Life.

and forwarded Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, any address. by Express on receipt of money, to THE CHEROKEE PILLS and REJUVENgists ATING in the ELIXIR are sold by all enterprising Drug. civilized world. Some uuprincipled dealers, however, try to sell worthless compounds in place of these; those which they can purchase at a animated with new life" so does this Elixir rejuvenate the system and overcome disease. The Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of mod- cheap price and make more wovey by selling than they health, can do on these medicines.

you value your aye, the health of your future ofspring, do for. not be these deceived medicines by such unprincipled Druggists; ax and take no others. If Druggists will not buy them for you, incloso the money Express, in a letter and we will send them to you by securely sealed and packed, free from obPervation. Ladies or Gentlemen can address us in perfect Idence, stating fully and platuly their diseases and symptoms, as we treat all diseases of a chronic nature in male or female. Patients need not hesitate because oftheir inability to visit we have treated patients successfully in all, ortions of the civilized globe by correspondence.

the Patients symptoms addressing as will please state plainly all Olice, of their complaints, and write PostCouuty, State and nude of writer plain, and close postage-stamp for reply. We Address send our 32 page Pamphict free to any address. all letters for Pamp-lets or advice to the proprietors, DR. W. R.


IRON, constantly on hand. attention Consiguments of Pig Iron solicited. Particular paid to the sale of Pig Iron both here and in Chicago, being connected with the house cr Dewey Office and Dock- of that -Foot city, also dealers in Pig Iron. of West River St. Cleveland, Ohio.


CARD. PROM- PARIS1 case Embroidery; Chenille, case Gold and Sliver Trimmings, case Crochet and Embroidery 8080 A. G. St. Louis, and all points on the Obit River.

Columbus, Central Ohio Rail oud for Newark. Zures ville, Wheeling, Columbus, Piqua ludiana Hallroad, ior Fiqua, Urbana, Sc. kW For tickets to all points, and information, sp. ply at the Par st uger Station, and at the Lion Tick et Office, 147 Superior street. N.

S. FLINT, Cleveland, Aug 7. 5, Supenziendent. 1865. DO CLEVELAND PITTSBURGH A 1885.

SUMMER AHRANGEMENT. 1860. for of at to the I or City On and after MONDAY, Mcy 15th, 11. 5. Tran Cloveland daily (Sundays A.

M. Mail--Arrives Pittsburgh 4:00 P.M., Harrisburgh 2.30 A.Mi., ore 7: A. Washington 10:85 A.M., Phil aelphia 6:55 A. New York 10:0 M. Wheeling 8:00 P.

M. Connects at Bud with the C. Z. C. Ru for Akro and Millersbarg.

1:30 P. R. at Pittsburg, 9:16 3 Harrisburgh A. FOIL morE 12:20 P. Washington 4:40 P.

Philadeiphia 12:40 P. New York 3.40 P.M. ACCOMMODATION- Hudson abd 2:46 P. Mi. Wheeling 6:80 A.M.

intermediate stations, Akron und Millersburgh, connecting at Orville with the P. F. F. C. Railway for Canton, Massillon, Woos.

and Mansfeld. Cars run through from Pittsburgh to New Fort (via Allentown) without change. Fare as low as by any other route. Througb Tickets can be procured ut the UnIon Ticket Ofice, Weddell ilouse, at the Depot, or at Fo cild street Station. J.

G. DEVEREUX, Superintendeut. LEAVE CLEVELAND, 9:50 A. PA. DAY EXPRESS TRAIN--STOPpIRE al Willoughby, Rsiuesville, Madison, Geneva, A Connonut aud Girard and arrives Erie 1:20 P.

Dunkirk 3:45 P.M., Budalo 6:20 P. M. 8:25 P. M. CINCINNATI EXTREME- at Painesville, Ashtabula and Girerd only, and arrives at Grie 0.40 P.

Dun 8:35 P.M; 10.00 P.M. 3:50 P. M. MAILAND ACCOMMODATION TRAIN.Stopping at all stations, acd arrives at Erie at 7:55 P. M.

9:00 P. M. NIGHT EXPRESS TRAIN. Stopping at Painesville, Ashtabula and Girurd on ly, and arrives at Erie at 19:40 A. Dunbirk 3:00 A.

Battalo 4:90 A.M LLAVES ERIE. 3:40 A. Night Express Train, stopping at Gl I 81 Ashiabula and Painesville ouls! aud arrives at Cleveland at 7:30 A. M. 6:15 A.m.

Mail and Accommodation Train, eto; ping all stations and arrives at Cleveland at 10:20 A. M. 10:15 A.M. Toledo Express, stopping at ail tions, Union ile, cacept Perry, Mentor and Wick Swanville, liRe, and arrives at Cleveland 2:15 P.M. 5:35 P.

M. D. Express Train, stopping at Girard, only, Conneaut, and arrives in Cleveland at 9:66 Ashtabula and Puines P. H. Second Class Curs run on all Through Trains.

All through trains going westward connect at Cleveland with trains for Toledo, Chicago, Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, and all through trains of going the N. Y. Erie Railroad, at Bufulo with Eastward connect at Dunkirk with the those of the New York Central and Buffalo Now York City Railroads, for New York, Albany, Boston, Niagara Falls, and at, with Trains ou the Philadelphia Erie Day Express, East and West, connects at Girard with Trains on the Erie Pittsburgh Railroad for Linesville, Meadville, Jamestown, Penn. H. NOTTINGHAM, Cleveland.


WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1860, Ou and after Mouday, Oct. Sist, 1864. PAsSED' ger Trains will run follows: 200 GROSS HOWE AND STEVENS' Family Dye Colors! Black, Green, Dark, for Silk, Light, Bluc, Dark, Leather, Light, Magenta, French, Maize, i Brown, Dark. Maroon, Claret, Orange, Light, Pink, Snut, Purple, Cherry, Royal, Crimson, Salmon, Scarlet, Fawn, State, Lt.

Fawu, Solferino, 66 Light, Violet, to Yellow, finish Dealers ALL tha Wea-e now prepared small. Howe above Stevens. Colors, Treatise large on and Tyeing and Sample Cards may11 STRONG ARMSTRONG. WATERFALL Elegant Patterns. oct4 A.


The Evening Post from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.