How To Get Lower Abs: 3 Best Exercises You Should Be Doing (2024)

If you want to get an attractive-looking six-pack, you need to develop your lower abs. But if you've dedicated significant time to all kinds of abs workouts, you'd know that the lower abs region is one of the most challenging parts to reveal. So, how to work your lower abs?

Why so difficult, though? Well, it's primarily because muscle definition, especially in the abdominal area, and excess body fat doesn't go well together.

You'd have to lose quite a bit of body fat before your abs begin showing up. And that would be something that your diet will be mostly responsible for.

But even though nutrition plays a significant role in revealing the lower abs, you can still prioritize and develop the region, so it becomes more visible - even at a higher body fat percentage.

So, how to work lower abs? Well, you can do this by choosing the right lower abs exercises, performing, and then correctly progressing them.

But of course, if you're not just looking to develop your lower abs, then you'd benefit from one of our programs. These go through, step-by-step, how you can develop a well-rounded physique. If you're interested:

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Okay, I need to address a common misconception before diving into the various exercises to tone your lower abs. Many people believe that it's not possible to selectively target the lower abs.

But research indicates that it is indeed possible. Different nerves innervate the upper and lower abs and, therefore, this provides them with a mechanism for selective activation.

Researcher Bret Contreras has performed extensive research on this very topic. And his EMG findings conclude that the upper and lower abs - beyond a shadow of a doubt - can be selectively emphasized.

Of course, it all depends on the type of ab exercises you do. For example,

  • Upper abs - Top-down ab exercises that involve bringing your shoulders toward your hips, such as crunches.
  • Lower abs - Bottom-up ab exercises that involve bringing your hips towards your shoulders, such as leg raises.

"How to work lower abs?" is one of the most common questions I get. Followed by, "what exercises best target lower abs?" Well, now that you understand how different movements affect specific ab muscle groups, we can now move on to three of the best - and simple - exercises for lower abs.

1) Reverse crunches

The first exercise enables us to target the lower abs by bringing the pelvis up towards the shoulders. Sadly, even though this is a well-known exercise, many people don't perform it in a way that targets and activates the lower abs.

A mistake I commonly come across is that they'd aimlessly swing their legs up and down. Instead of the lower abs driving the movement of the exercise, the momentum generated from the swinging is now helping them complete the reps.

Ultimately, this turns reverse crunches into a hip flexor exercise, rather than a lower abs exercise. Not good.Don't believe that reverse crunches can become hip flexor exercises? Here's some proof.

In a study that looked at the reverse crunch, investigators found that participants who aimlessly swung their legs up and down were unable to work the lower abs. On the contrary, those who performed the exercise with proper form (I'm going to show you this in a bit) were able to activate their lower abs to a significantly higher degree.

How to do reverse crunches

So, you don't want to swing your legs mindlessly. Here's what you'll want to do instead.

First, lay on a flat bench or the floor with your hands held behind the bench for support.

Next, raise your legs and bend to roughly 90 degrees. And - here's the crucial part - you need to initiate something called the posterior pelvic tilt.

You can do so by squeezing your glutes and contracting your abs. If you perform both movements simultaneously, your pelvis will tilt upwards. As a result, your back will be flattened entirely onto the bench or ground. Maintain this posterior pelvic tilt throughout the movement.

Next, lift your pelvis off the bench. Do so by thinking about raising it and curling towards your belly button. As you do so, think about contracting your lower abs.

Then, slowly lower back down to the starting point. Always ensure that you maintain that posterior pelvic tilt and flat lower back every time you come back down for the next rep.

When done correctly, you should feel a forceful contraction in the lower part of your abdomen. Feel it? Congratulations - you're now successfully working the lower abs!

Still unable to feel your lower abs working? Then you're going to appreciate our 3-on-1 coaching program. My team of experts - and I - are going to personally coach you every step of the way so every exercise you do hits your target muscle group. Learn more about how our program can help you below:

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How to progressively overload reverse crunches

Once you're able to perform over 15 reps or so of reverse crunches, you'll want to overload with it progressively (progressive overload). As you would with any other exercise, to further stimulate the growth of the lower abs.
How To Get Lower Abs: 3 Best Exercises You Should Be Doing (1)
You can do so by squeezing a weighted ball between your knees as you perform the movement. And there's a bonus to doing this as well. You'll further boost your core activation. But be careful with this: I assume you wouldn't want the ball to end up smacking you right in the face! Ouch.

Another option you have is to move onto a decline bench when performing the reverse crunches. Either way, you must overload the movement in one way or another over time.

2) Hanging leg raises

Now that you know how to work lower abs with the reverse crunches, it's time to move on to the hanging leg raise. This exercise is another bottom-up ab movement and is one of the best lower belly abs exercises you can do.

This exercise was shown in two separate EMG analyses (from T Nation and Suppversity) to elicit the highest lower abs activation in comparison to several other abs exercises.

However, similar to the reverse crunch, its effectiveness as a lower ab exercise is dependent on how you perform it. And again, it can quickly become a hip flexor dominant movement when done incorrectly.

How to do hanging leg raises

Start by hanging onto a bar. Or, if the hanging version is too challenging for you, you can set up a captain's chair leg raise.

Either way, you should move into a posterior pelvic tilt once again before initiating the movement. You should flex your core and tilt the pelvis upwards; your lower back's curvature will naturally flatten out as a result.

From here, I want you to think about raising the pelvis and curving it towards the belly button as much as your ab strength allows. You'll find that your legs will be brought up as a result.

By consciously thinking about raising your pelvis, you'll prevent your hip flexors from taking over the work from your lower abs.

If this movement is too difficult for you, you can start with bent knees. Use the same cues I previously went through.

As you get stronger, you can both gradually straighten the knees more and lift the pelvis and legs higher to enhance the difficulty of the movement.

How to progressively overload hanging leg raises

Once you're able to do 15+ reps of hanging leg raises consecutively, you can load the movement with a weighted dumbbell or ball. Doing so ensures that you're continuously progressing and growing the lower abs over time.

3) Ab wheel

Finally - we've come to the last exercise when it comes to learning how to work lower abs. In addition to being one of the best lower abs workouts available, the ab wheel roll-out also targets other muscles as well.

You might have noticed that this exercise isn't technically a bottom-up movement. How smart! But see: when it's performed correctly, the ab wheel roll-out highly activates the lower abs.

You can observe this in various EMG analyses (T Nation and a 2006 study) that have compared the ab wheel roll-out to other common ab exercises.

But once again, its effectiveness depends on proper execution. Which, sadly, many people don't do.

How to use the ab roller exercise wheel

First, you'll want to get into the correct starting position by moving into the posterior pelvic tilt. So - you want to contract your abs to tilt your pelvis towards your belly button. By doing so, you'll slightly flex your spine.

As a result, you'll not only be better able to engage the lower abs during the roll-out, but you'll also put your lower back in a safer position.

From here, you want to maintain this position with your abs contracted as you begin to roll-out. Go out only as far as you can, while maintaining the posterior pelvic tilt.

You'll know you've reached the limit of the strength of your abs once your lower back begins to cave. So, start with short roll-outs first. Gradually progress further out as your ab strength improves.

And on the way back, you want to avoid merely bending at the knees; this is cheating. Instead, you want to maintain that posterior pelvic tilt and pull-up with your mid-section to roll back in.

A helpful cue is to visualize a string pulling your mid-back up to the starting position. When correctly executed, you should feel a strong contraction - especially in the lower abs.

Alright, that’s all the exercises I have.

I hope that you were able to see that when it comes to how to get lower abs and a well-defined six-pack, you need to not only choose the right exercises, but you need to ensure you’re performing them optimally as well.

Doing so, together with the implementation of the right nutrition plan, is going to be the key to dropping your body fat, and developing those much-coveted six-pack abs.

And for a step-by-step science-based nutrition and workout plan designed to get you lean and develop your six-pack as quickly as possible:

Click the button below to take my analysis quiz to discover the best program for you:

Take The Starting Point Quiz Here!

I hope you enjoyed this article and have successfully learnt how to work lower abs! Also, make sure you don't sabotage your abs goal by making these fat loss mistakes. Don’t forget to give me a follow and connect with me on Instagram,Facebook, andYoutube as well, in order to stay up to date with my content.

P.S. A quick shoutout to Vincent who ran the program for just a few months – as you can see, he was able to achieve the six-pack he was after in record time. Anyways, thanks for reading!
How To Get Lower Abs: 3 Best Exercises You Should Be Doing (2)

By the way, here’s the article summed up into a YouTube video:

How To SCULPT Your Lower Abs: 3 Key Exercises You Should Be Doing

How To Get Lower Abs: 3 Best Exercises You Should Be Doing (2024)


Is 3 exercises enough for abs? ›

Training your abs two to three times per week with two to three exercises per workout is plenty to maximize development without overdoing it.

How do you get the V cut abs? ›

Complete workouts that target your lower abs, like leg lifts, hanging leg raises, reverse crunches, and an ab V hold. It also helps to follow a balanced core routine, which could include side crunches, bridges, lunges, and yoga poses. Doing cardio and eating a healthy diet can cut body fat, which may also help.

How do you get V lines? ›

The 'Sex Lines' Workout to Build an Abdominal 'V'
  1. Hanging leg raise. (Day 1) ...
  2. Ab wheel rollouts. (Day 1) ...
  3. Barbell Russian twist. (Day 1) ...
  4. Reverse crunches. (Day 2) ...
  5. Heavy 1-arm suitcase carries. (Day 2) ...
  6. Cable crunches. (Day 2)

How do I get a flat lower stomach? ›

Here are 29 science-backed methods to help you lose extra belly fat.
  1. Cut calories, but not too much. ...
  2. Eat more fiber, especially soluble fiber. ...
  3. Increase your intake of probiotics. ...
  4. Add more cardio to your routine. ...
  5. Try protein shakes. ...
  6. Eat foods rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. ...
  7. Limit your intake of refined carbs.

Are abs OK to workout everyday? ›

The recommended frequency of abs exercises is to give yourself at least one rest day in between each abs session so your muscles have the chance to recover. Feliciano recommends doing 5 to 10 minutes of core work two to three times a week.

Is 3 sets of 3 exercises enough? ›

Are 3 sets of exercises enough for building muscle? Building muscle, or hypertrophy, requires a greater training volume than just three sets. If you have some training experience and you are looking to build muscle, you would do 3 to 6 sets of each exercise and you would aim for two exercises per body part.

Why won't my lower abs show? ›

Your abs will not show through if you have excess fat covering the abdominal area. Hours of sit-ups, crunches, and other ab exercises won't do so much if your muscles are hidden beneath layers of subcutaneous fat. You need to clean up your diet and maintain a regular fitness routine to unearth your abs.

Why can't I get lower abs? ›

Nutrition plays an enormous role; you also should be doing total-body workouts meant to reduce overall body fat composition. Factor in genetics on top of that, and the inevitable truth is that some people are just more likely to develop visible abs muscles than others. Some people (many people!)

What is the number one ab exercise? ›

According to the study, the bicycle crunch was the most effective stomach exercise when analysing the muscle activity in the abdominals. To complete a bicycle crunch, lie on your back with your lower back pressed into the ground, bring your knees in towards your chest and lift your shoulder blades off the ground.

Are V cut abs attractive? ›

The V taper has long been an emblem of the ideal male physique—a broad upper body gracefully narrowing down to a slim waist, much like the letter 'V. ' For men, achieving this coveted shape often symbolises the pinnacle of physical attractiveness.

How to get 11 abs? ›

The #1 Core Workout To Get "11 Line" Abs
  1. A1) Dead Bugs, Sets: 3, Reps: 6 each side, Rest: 0 seconds.
  2. A2) Kneeling Kettlebell Halos, Sets: 3, Reps: 6 each direction, Rest: 30 seconds.
  3. B1) Ab Wheel Rollout, Sets: 3, Reps: 10, Rest: 30 seconds.
  4. B1) Anti-Rotational Cable Chop, Sets: 3, Reps: 8 each direction, Rest: 30 seconds.
Aug 23, 2023

Which abs show first? ›

If visible abs are the goal, the answer is YES… with proper nutrition, exercise and discipline, anyone should be able to get some amount of visible abs, even if it's just the top two or four of the six pack. Typically, as body fat decreases, the uppermost abs are the ones that reveal themselves first.

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The 15 best love-handle erasers
  1. Begin by lying flat on a decline or flat bench and grab the edge of it behind your head with both hands. Create tension through your entire body starting with your traps and working down into your core and legs. ...
  2. Broad jump burpees.
  3. Bicycle Crunches + Situps.
  4. Slider Mountain Climber + Tucks.

Are lower abs harder to get? ›

So even though the rectus abdominis' muscle fibers run from the sternum to the pelvis, the northern sections can be working hard while the lower ones are just chilling out, and vice versa, McCall says. The best way to work your abs overall is by doing exercises that engage both the top and bottom sections.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.