Ads on TV that never stop (2024)

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  • Thread starterTennVet
  • Start dateMonday at 8:11 AM


  • Monday at 8:11 AM
  • #1

Some ads are so annoying, but impossible to escape. It is obvious that insurance companies are making money on plans coupled with Medicare. I'm sick of them telling you to check your zip code. Then there is the woman who touts her deodorant for privates. Finally, we get a dose of fixed priced very over priced life insurance that preys on those uninformed audiences. Don't even get me started on car warranty ads, plus their relentless robocalls. Networks lap this stuff up because they buy tons of ad time.


New Jersey
  • Monday at 8:15 AM
  • #2

I am rarely accosted by ads since most of my streaming services are ad free. The ones that do show ads show very brief ones that are tolerable. I can't believe some of the ads shown these days products for women's privates.


  • Monday at 8:28 AMOriginal Poster
  • #3

OneEyedDiva said:

I am rarely accosted by ads since most of my streaming services are ad free. The ones that do show ads show very brief ones that are tolerable. I can't believe some of the ads shown these days products for women's privates.

Good point. My wife has some favorite programs on some lesser channels, that are deluged with junk ads. How about all those ads from pharma giants that describe their miracle cure for exotic ills known only by abbreviations. I'm sure that folks are then asking their doctor for a prescription, and don't forget doctor's get paid for writing prescriptions too. Even pharmacies give the doctor a little vig.


  • Monday at 8:53 AM
  • #4

The commercials where the owner decided he was the best spokesperson for his business. The flat tone, reading the script and worst, the little jingle that he probably paid Aunt Peg or Cousin Bob to write. They got a great rate to keep it on air for endless years.


Baseball Fan Forever!
Mohawk Valley, NY
  • Monday at 8:58 AM
  • #5

Any commercial that has that slimey man touting about his My Pillows, or a rapper turned actor claiming how great Car Shield is, is turned off while I am cursing at both. The first one I curse at the owner. The 2nd one, I curse at the rip off car warranty company, not the rapper turned actor.

  • Monday at 8:59 AMOriginal Poster
  • #6

Jules said:

The commercials where the owner decided he was the best spokesperson for his business. The flat tone, reading the script and worst, the little jingle that he probably paid Aunt Peg or Cousin Bob to write. They got a great rate to keep it on air for endless years.

We all encounter those obnoxious ads.


Savannah Missouri
  • Monday at 9:06 AM
  • #7

Hi Grandma I played Baseball today. I like to choke everyone involved with that one I hear it twenty times or more every day from my neighbor's TV.


Well-known Member
  • Monday at 9:13 AM
  • #8

Yeah, the feminine incontinence diaperette ads are annoying. And that's just the tip of the iceberg. But it isn't just women shooting spray deodorant down the drawers.

The problem is that this stuff works, and works best with repetition.

I just use them as a cue to get up and do something. On-screen ad countdowns help, but I'd rather see a timer countdown instead.


way upstate in New York, USA
  • Monday at 9:19 AM
  • #9

ASPCA ads. They should be putting that ad money toward helping animals instead of showing them in miserable conditions.



Well-known Member
  • Monday at 9:20 AM
  • #10

If not for Big Pharma's big advertising dollars, TV would disappear. What really gets to me is being encouraged to tell my doc that I wanna try whatever they're pushing. And the disclaimers! Good grief. Who wants to take something that's going to cause death? How about allergies? "Don't take this medication if you're allergic." How on earth would anybody know if they're allergic to a med they haven't taken?


Well-known Member
  • Monday at 9:33 AM
  • #11

There is something out there being sold to mask AIDS symptoms, claiming "Undetectable is uninfected" or something of the sort. What next? A preparation to help people pass drug testing? Cover up Hepatitis so you can sell your blood?


Northeast PA. 3 miles from the Pocono race track
  • Monday at 12:59 PM
  • #12

The ads I totally can't stand and mute as soon as they come on are those ads from that obnoxious gynecologist and three day deodorant stuff. If you stink up the room after three days without washing, maybe you're problem isn't just a deodorant. Wash your "pits" out once in a while.


Token fox furry
Pennsylvania, USA
  • Tuesday at 3:23 AM
  • #13

Then there are the political ads that began during American primary state elections, and continue now in earnest for the presidential election. It’s gonna be a long time until November … Ads on TV that never stop (13)


North Herts (UK)
  • Tuesday at 3:29 AM
  • #14

There is one here in the UK that annoys me.

It's about some old fool that packs his suitcase full of tins of baked beans. The airline loses his luggage and he sits on the beach crying his eyes out!


Well-known Member
  • Tuesday at 5:43 AM
  • #15

TheOtherRick said:

Hi Grandma I played Baseball today. I like to choke everyone involved with that one I hear it twenty times or more every day from my neighbor's TV.

I agree, I recently found out the actress playing' Grandma' is Kathy Garver,knew she looked familar to me
She played the oldest niece'Cissy' in the 60's sitcom 'Family Affair' Sue


Savannah Missouri
  • Tuesday at 8:59 AM
  • #16

moviequeen1 said:

I agree, I recently found out the actress playing' Grandma' is Kathy Garver,knew she looked familar to me
She played the oldest niece'Cissy' in the 60's sitcom 'Family Affair' Sue

I've never seen it I just hear it and I'm ready to scream turn it off.


Senior Member
  • Tuesday at 9:13 AM
  • #17

The most offensive ad for me right now is the one about "whole body deodorant" and she's spraying her nether regions! Gross!! Soap and water cures most stinks, lady.


Well-known Member
  • Tuesday at 9:44 AM
  • #18

OneEyedDiva said:

I am rarely accosted by ads since most of my streaming services are ad free. The ones that do show ads show very brief ones that are tolerable. I can't believe some of the ads shown these days products for women's privates.

Yeah, I agree, a few are almost embarrassing when you are with mixed company or kids. Have you seen the ad where a lady shaves around her “you know what” for her bikini bottom?


Well-known Member
  • Tuesday at 9:49 AM
  • #19

Purwell said:

There is one here in the UK that annoys me.

It's about some old fool that packs his suitcase full of tins of baked beans. The airline loses his luggage and he sits on the beach crying his eyes out!

I'd be more worried to end up stranded on a beach only to find all I had was a suitcase full of tins of baked beans. What am I going to do? Climb a tree and toot S.O.S. at passing ships?


New Jersey
  • Wednesday at 5:22 AM
  • #20

911 said:

Yeah, I agree, a few are almost embarrassing when you are with mixed company or kids. Have you seen the ad where a lady shaves around her “you know what” for her bikini bottom?

So true 911. Those ads never would have made it to the screen back in the day.

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Ads on TV that never stop (2024)
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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.